thanks chookie. that's what I'm sayin...since when does family hate on family, if we are all gonna hate on eachother then the whole thing about saying everyone who is down is a juggalo or juggalette is totally stupid because you arent going to like everyone but if you don't liek them or what they do then just live witht he fact that u don't like it, don't hate on them and call them juggahoes cuz u dislike them, that doesnt mean that they arent down. Can we please use that term the way it is supposed to be used instead of the wrong way by saying it about ninjas and ninjettes that we don't like ro get along with. we are all part of the same thing and we all have one thing in common. CLOWN LOVE! so stop hatin on us bc if u did something and someone didn't agree with it what would u say? you would prolly say "i don't give a fuck, this is me, so deal with it" and u wouldn't care what other people thought about you, that's the attitude of most or all juggalos and lettes so why even bother dissin them on a guestbook because they all just don't give a fuck what you say aboutt hem so u are wasting your time. thanks and MMFCL!
Meli |
wud up you juggalos and juggalettes wut it be just wanna give some mad props to twiztids "the green book" that is some of the best shit i ever heard!!!!!! already so any mutha fackos that are in the austin TX area email me [email protected]
"If u dont flash than ur not a lette"? Oh my God people stop it!! We never said anything like this! If you have a better look at the contestants, you see that most of them show NOTHING!! And about that 'they don't show clown love...' yea it is a Miss HALLS OF ILLUSIONS contest, and they got love for us, that is why they joined the contest. What is your problem?? Jeez! You are all making up new rules that never were there. We never demanded titties. We didn't demand showing clown love cause we know that THEY HAVE THAT! And last but not least, the guestbook is not a discussion forum! We have one right here, go and discuss in there.
Chookie, webmaster @ HOI |
man i just got done lookin at that miss hol shit and if showin tits makes u a lette than what would u call all the lettes that have respect for themselfs and actually have fucking clown love man fuck all this "if u dont flash than ur not a lette" thats not the first time i heard that shit so to all of u who think that ur better than us because u go around flashin ur fucking shit i got one word for u JUGGAHOE!!!!!!!!! |
waz up juggalos and juggalettes just dropin in to give my peace of mind and let u know that there are a hole fuck load of juggahoes and to those who are down cuz they believe the words that j and shaggs preach to u much fucking clown love from me to u!!!!!!
lucky |
i don't give a fuck what any of you guys say about me i'm not even pretty and i have no tits so if i don't get voted then it's strizait. i don't care. that blonde chik before me is way fuckin hotter. Shit, I'd fuck her! yea, I'm bi..but whateva yo i show my titties bc they are my babies and i love them no matter how small they are and i'm not even tryin to get props i just thought that it would be interesting to see where i ended up on this HOI shit. I made it to the top 10 so atleast I got this far so thanks whoever voted for me and it's whateva now..good luck number 9, you didn't even have to show tits. i guess they got more respect for you. I just like to show it all. I'm gonna be a nudist *wink* wink* i'll shut up now. MCL fackos! |
sup juggalos and letts.just wanna give props to the psychopathic family for bringing the wicked shit ever time a new album is droped.
peace out
twiztid T |
hey dis insane in da house. just wanted you to know that psychopathic records is da shit. yall changed my life!! anyone who hates better watch their ass cuz imma kill um with my hatchet n my homies. muad luv yall! mmfwkl |
what up juggalos this is a single 18 year old lette looking for some love email me k i have a pic peace out |
Sup My Fellow juggalo's n lettes?!?!?! juss wanted to take a min an say that no matta wut the juggalo family is the only REAL family i have !! I love you guys !!! MMFCL 2 All!!!! |
its all good and how s it going fellow juggalos and juggalettes |
i'm a lette but i didn't enter. i have respect for bein a lette so my shit stays covered. they never talk about showin ur goods and shit. i give major props to all and MCL to all the soldiers, ninjas, juggalos and all the rest. i say to my sister lettes do what makes u happy not what people judge u doin. MMFCL TO ALL. PEACE OUT
iight i hear yallz... i mean since when is clown love titties.... fuck that... i say re-do tha damn thang pic some real lettes and make ppl happy... DAMMIT!!! plz JUST DO IT MUTHA FACKO!!!! i mean like that one bitch b4 me wrote.. if titties was clown love... everybuddy and they gradma would have luv.. and that AINT happenin!! ... well MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL MCL to tha real juggaloz and JUGGALETTES WHOOP WHOOP!!!
that one BIITCH
BizzAArfreek on aim hit me up!! |
URG!!! ok, on the main page where it has the lyrics for the halls of illusions, it says " thanks, walk thru the doors into the hallways living yours" its supposed to say "visit yours" instead of "living yours" get it straight damn it!! ne wayz, mcl. |
damn fuckin strait, i dont remember when titties were clown love...if tittes were clown love the whole world would be the dark carnival..nigguh pahlease show sum hatchet |
whooooo chedder!..sup yall...whats up with these ladies on the miss HOI..i mean..they be hot and everyhting..but....they aint showin no clown love..jus titties..its a damn shame
peace yall
smoochies to the lettes
Wicked panda |
wut the fuck is up wit dese juggaHOES on the miss hoi! lets get a real lette up there that just doesnt wanna get naked so she can just win sumtin..damn...MMFCL NIGGUH |
IM me on AIM: x Why Me 143 x
i dont think id win, im not like that to sign up 4 that stuff :0) but ne who uhm you can im me on aim--rinaface11...or yahoo--twiztidyoungin420 payce nikka |