November 2002
Yeah! Just 10 minutes ago Halls Of Illusions recieved this months unique visitor # 10.000!! Just 10 months ago this site only got 523 visitors in a whole month... it's kinda funny for me to see this website grow so big, so fast.
I wanna give a special shoutout to realjuggalettes.net. They once made this site 'site of the moment' for like almost 2 weeks. It made juggalos and juggalettes from all over the world aware of Halls Of Illusions. Thanks Jez (and the rest)!!
And once again I want to thank everyone who support(ed) this site. By affiliating or just by sending mail letting me know what they think about the site. You make all the work worthwhile!
Also cool to mention: today is the day the new version of Halls Of Illusions is precicely 6 months online! You can read the first news article from Mmay 29th right here.
Halls Of Illusions is going strong
It looks like Halls Of Illusions will get 10.000 UNIQUE visitors this month! It's raining diamond over here. We have a new layout, a new forum, new downloads and we can just feel the family love.
Oh, by the way, it's not like Halls Of Illusions is hitting the 10K HITS mark! This year we alreay recieved well over 80.000 hits. But 10.000 unique visitors in a month is something to celebrate!
I want to thank you all, Juggalos and Juggalettes, for showing so much love and making this all possible. You are the reason I am doing this shit. I love you all!
Do you want to congratulate Halls Of Illusions? You could always make a sign picture like this:

Just mail em to [email protected]!
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Thank You to our Hatchet Family
As promised, on the eve of Thanksgiving, we have for you a devastating download duo! It’s the time of the year to give thanks for all those wondrous things in your life and for the Insane Clown Posse it is not just the forecast of continuous diamond showers all over the world. It has been ten years for Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, spreading the messages of the Dark Carnival to all. Those messages were heard by you, the Juggalos and Juggalettes, and have brought you all together with us into one big Hatchet Family. It has been a long ten years for all and the Wicked Clowns have nothing but clown love for all of you that have been true to the family.
We have for you now two brand new songs, so hot out of the Lotus Pod Studio that we had to let them chill a little so it wouldn’t cause a meltdown in your computer when you download them. These two songs, put together with clown love by Violent J and Mike P, are a special gift to all of you that have had our backs over the years. In the spirit of Thanksgiving and with true admiration and gratitude for our large Hatchet Family, we want you to take the moment and download these two songs to add that helping of Psychopathic flavor to your Thanksgiving turkey. It is a joyous time here for the Insane Clown Posse, Psychopathic Records and, especially, the Hatchet Family and we offer the songs My Shine and Bloody Bitch to you and we want to wish you and yours a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.
These songs are also available in the Downloads section, it's probally faster then ICP.com
Giving the Bird
No, we're not flipping anyone off. Far from it! It's all about Thanksgiving and that one bird in particular... the turkey! Psychopathic Records spent the entire morning today giving the bird out to everyone they met as a special thanks for the holiday. Having trouble following what I'm saying? Then check out the full story and open up your peeps, cuz we got a lot more info as well as some pictures to help explain what the hell I'm talking about.
Other news:
Three new articles:
ICP MurderDog Article
ICP Circus Article
JumpSteady MurderDog Article
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Yet Another Addendum
Psychopathic Records is all geared up and ready to go on the production of the official Psychopathic Records Presents: Juggalettes Gone Wicked! and the Rude Boy is looking forward to getting it all started on the Diamonds Raining Tour. The whole idea behind this media release is to feature the Juggalettes of the Hatchet Family, Psychopathic style. For those of you asking, there is a similar media feature that is being released late December. We just want to state for the record that we have no hate for such independent projects. Far from it, we encourage all you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there to take the opportunity to check out any independent release that represents those of the Hatchet Family. So if you have clown love and are down with the Hatchet, then let your artistic flavor shine! The official Psychopathic Records Presents: Juggalettes Gone Wicked! is scheduled for release in late January and we are looking forward to its debut.
Other news:
Remember the Juggalo solitaire game? The creator of that game just finished a new fresh game:

Anarchos's Ninja Memory Test (1 MB)
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Thanksgiving Reminder
Just a reminder for all of you out there that might have missed it: Be here this Wednesday for a truly special download. The Insane Clown Posse has mad clown love for all of you Juggalos and Juggalettes that have been down with the Hatchet for the past ten years. Mad clown love for all of you being down during good times and bad and for having their backs and for waiting patiently so long for the release of The Wraith on November 5th. The skies shine as the diamonds pour down and all of the Hatchet Family can stand in the steady downpour and be proud. For Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, things have never looked brighter and they have all of you faithful Juggalos and Juggalettes to thank.
As mentioned earlier, Violent J and Mike P hit the Lotus Pod Studio hard for an entire evening and have recorded for you two brand new tracks. These two phat tracks of devastation come straight from the heart of Violent J, never heard or released before, as a thank you to all you ninjas and ninjettes that have been down with the clowns and have been there for ICP through the thick and thin. And with Thanksgiving right around the corner, what a perfect time to express the sincere gratitude that ICP has for the Hatchet Family than this holiday. We will have these two tracks for you this Thanksgiving Eve for download right here on insaneclownposse.com so stop by on Wednesday and keep your eyes peeled for this packet of freshness! Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family and to be thankful for what you have. The Insane Clown Posse thanks you for being a part of the Hatchet Family and wants to share with you the joy that they have experienced with the release of the Sixth and Final Jokers Card. We hope that all of you will be here on Wednesday 27th to enjoy these two tracks and to share in the exaltation of the diamond rain as it comes down from the heavens.
Big news Juggalos and Juggalettes! Halls Of Illusions now has its own forum! It is located at http://forum.hallsofillusions.com.
It is still VERY empty, but don't let that stop you from starting some good discussions :-)
So, what the hell are you waiting for? GO!
Results of the last poll 'What do you think of the new layout': only 13.7% thought it is whack and want the oldschool shit. 23.6% didn't care about the layout, and the rest (62.6%) thought the new layout is phat as fuck! I think I have done a pretty good job with the new shit. Now it is time to focus on more content, more downloads for example. And maybe a Esham section. Who knows what's next? If you have a great idea for the site, please let me know!
So... new week, new poll! I get to talk to many Juggalos (being the webmaster of this site) and a lot of Juggalos said to me they actually like Twiztid more then ICP. So in this weeks poll please let us now what you think is the best Psychopathic artist. Oh, and in the new Halls Of Illusions forum you can give comments on your choice!
I want to thank all the Juggalos and Juggalettes who support this site, and mail me giving me props. You are the reason I maintain this site. MCL!
We want to welcome a new affiliate: thewraith.net! They have psychopathic related artwork, so if you're into that, go check it out.
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
PRp:JGW Addendum
We at Psychopathic Records have received an unbelievable amount of response in regards to the official Psychopathic Records presents: Juggalettes Gone Wicked DVD/VHS. For years the idea of such a video has been passed to our attention yet do to various events and promotions, we were unable to fully undertake such a project until now. It would be foolish to say that others out there have not already created or began work on such a video. We would like to state that this is the official release of such a media project from Psychopathic Records. This has been on our draft board for a few years now, as are other projects, and our goal is to make it different and unique compared to all of the other similar videos out there.
Psychopathic Records presents: Juggalettes Gone Wicked will not follow the standard routine of most of the videos out there. We want Juggalettes at their wickedest, since that is the main theme of this official release, but we are going to have so much more than that! Psychopathic Records presents: Juggalettes Gone Wicked will have extra devastating flavor such as backstage footage, concert performances, and a whole lot more! Like we mentioned earlier, this DVD/VHS official release is for the Hatchet Family and we will make this video represents aspects of Psychopathic Records, the Juggalos, and especially the Juggalettes. We have had thousands of requests for such a video event and with the Era of the Sixth and Final Jokers Card in full swing, we have now decided to dedicate the time to fulfill such a request.
In the last 24 hours we have received over two thousand requests from Juggalettes out there to be a part of this official DVD/VHS release. We want every Juggalette out there to have the opportunity to submit her flavor for this media spectacular. We know that some of you will unfortunately not be able to make it to the Diamonds Raining Tour and we want you to be able to send to us a video of whatever wickedness you can imagine. Now the only requirements are that you must in some way represent the Hatchet and Psychopathic Records and you must send with this a copy of your picture ID (18 years and older only). Upon reviewing the video, if selected we will send to you a consent form that must be filled out in order to be a part of this official video release. You can mail the video and picture ID copy to: P.O. Box 332, Royal Oak, MI 48068, In Care Of: The Rude Boy. We will only be accepting entries post-marked before or on December 13th; any entries after this date will not be reviewed for entry... so get your video in as soon as possible!
This is in no way a revolutionary idea; there have been many videos like this in the past. Psychopathic Records presents: Juggalettes Gone Wicked however is the official release straight from Psychopathic Records and we want to keep it treal and 100% Psychopathic! We can not wait to bring you Psychopathic Records own official DVD/VHS release of Psychopathic Records presents: Juggalettes Gone Wicked for the enjoyment of the entire Hatchet Family!
And as mentioned in the first posting of this media endeavor, any questions in regards to this official release can be emailed to the Rude Boy.
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
A Brand New Poll!
That's right! November isn't over yet! And November is the time for voting... and for the Hatchet Family, it is time to vote for your favorite track on the Sixth and Final Jokers Card, The Wraith: Shangri-La! By now you have all listen to the newest album from the Insane Clown Posse (and if you haven't yet, get that shiznit with the quickness and listen to it with no distractions or interruptions from beginning to end). We want to hear from all you Juggalos and Juggalettes who have listened to the entire album intently to take a small moment out of your life and take a small poll. We want to find out from all of you which of the devastating songs off the new album you thought was the phatest, was the deepest... let's cut to the chase; we want to know which of these songs, in your eyes and ears, is by far the best off of the album!
Who knows for sure how long the polls will be open; with everything that is coming up, it is hard to tell... which is a very important reason to cast your vote as soon as possible! So, to do just that, head over to the newest poll and enter in your choice for the best song off of the Sixth and Final Jokers Card!
Juggalettes Gone Wicked!!!
You've seen or heard about all those wild and crazy videos out there; be they about underground comedy too extreme for the theater or about sorority girls sharing their fantasies... well forget all that! We know that those types of video are just not up to par with the Psychopathic appetites of the Hatchet Family! That's why we have something in the making that will definately blow your wig clean off your brainpan. Its called Juggalettes Gone Wicked, a new DVD/VHS that will be officially released by Psychopathic Records and hosted by the one and only Rude Boy!
Now I'm sure that with the Hatchet Family being so large and diverse that there have probably been a few movies made that feature Juggalettes at their wildest but this one will be the official Psychopathic Records release. We want to give all you wickedly wild and crazy capricious Juggalettes out there a chance to be on this official release! The big question is how can a Juggalette get an opportunity to appear on such a DVD/VHS? Well, here is the answer:
On the first half of the Diamonds Raining Tour (December 5th in Pittsburgh PA, December 6th in Buffalo NY, December 8th in Clifton Park NY, and December 9th in Boston, MA), before the show gets underway, we want all of you Juggalettes that are interested in taking part in this official release of wild Juggalette wickedness to meet up with the Rude Boy. Now there are a few things that you should know: you must be 18 years or older and you must have a picture ID with you, you will have to sign a release to allow Psychopathic Records to use your likeness in this official DVD/VHS release, and most importantly... only the wildest Juggalettes will be included in the video! We are talking about Juggalettes that take any and all morals and chuck them out the window. We are talking about ninjettes who are willing to do whatever it takes, no matter how crazy and eyeball popping it may be. We are talking about those Juggalettes that are truly and ultimately wicked to the extreme!
We want this DVD/VHS to be truly be a Psychopathic Records out-of-this-world spectacular and only those that will go the extra distance need apply. This official DVD/VHS is going to be wicked wild; it has to be because it is from Psychopathic Records featuring the most extreme of the Hatchet Family's Juggalettes. So if you want a chance to be featured on this all-nonsense, no restraints media release then you better mosey that Juggalette booty down to one of the first four shows of the Diamonds Raining Tour and get in touch with the Rude Boy before the show starts. As soon as all entries are in, Psychopathic Records will begin setting up the official Juggalettes Gone Wicked DVD/VHS and we will alert you out there when this packet of phat fresh flavor will be available to you!
For more information, please email the Rude Boy.
www.hatchetgear.com news:
Over at hatchetgear.com they have a couple of brand new items. Peep it at www.hatchetgear.com.
www.thesixth.com news:
thesixth.com posted this email they got: btw. why don't I get these kinda things :(
What's up juggalos? I'm e-mailing this out of strict appreciation. Appreciation for making The Wraith "Shangri-la" such a success. It debuted at #15 and slipped down 50+ spots the week after but that's only because juggalos picked this up either the day it was released or the week it was released. So, no matter what, we're a success. Even if it was only a week.
If you decide to post this anywhere, and want to include my e-mail address, you can, but I'd prefer you don't. Anyway, I'm someone from Psychopathic and you'll find out who on the next edition of The Shaggy Show which will be up in early December. Either that or the next episode of The Purple Show. Whichever comes first. I'm someone you'd recognize. And for the internet, I've been assigned to report news on "The Wraith: Hell's Pit". So this is my first job. And I hope you juggalos appreciate it because only juggalo sites
are getting this FIRST!
There have been questions such as "Is Hell's Pit recorded yet?" The answer is, "kind of". During the recording of Shangri-la, there were several tracks done. Announced on The Tunnel Hotline were "Open The Gates" and "The Necronomicon". These tracks were intended for Shangri-la, but really were
too "dark" to fit anywhere. They were saved. Other tracks that have been completed are "Walk Away From The Light", "It Rains Hell", "Wagons Arrive" and "The Revealing". Now, you might question that last one. "The Unveiling" was put out to explain what ICP was all about all this time. "The revealing" will explain what ICP will do now that all the Joker's Cards are out. Once again, there will be SEVENTEEN tracks and the album will be produced by MIKE P. AND ESHAM.
There will be NO special guests for Hell's Pit other then Anybody Killa, Blaze, Esham, Jumpsteady, Twiztid and Zug Izland. Samplers will be given out on the last leg of The Shangri-la Tour. No word on what will be on the samplers. Whether it's the same format as the Shangri-la samplers or
something new. But they WILL be given out on the last leg of the Shangri-la tour. It's a big time for us juggalos. Thanks to all the juggalo websites out their for pledging their undying support through the years!!!!!
Other news:
Netscape posted a news article about ICP. Read it right here.
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Big Money Rustlas!!!
Yes, it has been a while since we talked about movies -- since Big Money Hustlas dropped, to be specific -- but we haven't forgotten about this project. Big Money Rustlas, the "prequel" to Insane Clown Posse's first film, Big Money Hustlas, will finally and at long last get underway in the summer of 2003! You can expect the same low-budget, ghetto-fabulous tech that you all know and love from Big Money Hustlas to all be in Big Money Rustlas. And naturally you can expect to see all your favorites like Big Poot, Little Stank, and Hack Benjamin back in action, not to mention other Psychopathic homies such as ABK, Esham, and Blaze!
We know that only Star Wars can take three years to make the next movie in its series, but then again we are a record company, and we do have a hell of a lot of projects going on too! Keep checking back here at insaneclownposse.com for updates and more information on this devastating project.
www.thesixth.com news:
It seems thesixth.com is back in business. Welcome back!
Other news:
We have a new section on the site: the FAQ. All good and stupid, fun and serious questions will be posted here.
New site: Sixvisions. Check it out, it has two cool different layouts. A Shangri-La and a Hells Pit vision.

A Dallas ninja ( [email protected] ) mailed me the following:
Here in Dallas a local radio show has been trashing icp and all the juggalos. I didnt hear everything they said but they were saying how dumb and stupid icp was and their fans are dumber than they are, and i just wanted to give their emails incase some juggalos got something to say to them:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Did you miss ICP on Howard Stern?
You've probably heard Insane Clown Posse's appearence on the Howard Stern Show, broadcast the very day The Wraith dropped upon the world: November 5th, 2002. (If you haven't, listen to it right here.) It was the first public appearence of the Wicked Clowns, happening right with the premiere of this world-chaning album. And last night everyone got their first chance to SEE this momentous event on E! Entertainment TV. But, I know that for many of you this was some pretty short notice, so we snagged that wee show when it was boradcast last night and decided to drop it out here on InsaneClownPosse.com for everyone to watch and enjoy! Check it out RIGHT HERE!! Enjoy.
Note: this file is also downloadable in our Download section.
I've made a new wallpaper with the new Halls Of Illusions logo. Please let me know what you think about it, and what can be improved. Click here to mail me!

(click on the picture for the big version)
Some other news: www.realjuggahos.com has the new content and a new layout now, go check it out! It is pretty fresh. Much Clown Love to the ninja's over at RJH!
First of all, I want to thank RealJuggalettes.net for posting about HOI's new layout. MCL!
It seems www.thesixth.com has some problems 'cause it's offline. Maybe bandwidth problems?
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Much clown love and a big thanks to the Juggalos!
Juggalos and Juggalettes, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, the Insane Clown Posse, want to thank you from the bottom of their hearts for having their backs for the last ten years and for not downloading The Wraith off of the Internet. It has been a steady downpour of diamonds for ICP, everyone at Psychopathic Records, and the Juggalo world at large, and we have you to thank for that. ICP has never been happier! The Wraith has fallen, and the world will never be the same again!
And, while in town on the weekend of November 16th to take care of his hand, Violent J went to the Lotus Pod Studio with Mike P, spend all night and recorded TWO brand-new tracks, never-before-released-or-heard, to be dropped out on the Internet for all the Juggalos right here on insaneclownposse.com! Yes, it is true! You will be able to download both new tracks on the night of Thanksgiving eve: Wednesday, November 27th, 2002! These two tracks were made specifically for the Juggalos, to celebrate ten years of choppin', to celebrate the debut of The Wraith, and most importantly to give a sincere and complete thanks to all the Juggalos for having ICP's back through thick and thin. It is raining diamonds, Juggalos, and this Thanksgiving weekend you will have yet another reason to celebrate and enjoy what The Wraith has wrought.
New layout
As you can see, HallsOfIllusions has a new layout (well, new colors at least). I hope ya'll like it, vote for it in the new poll! I've also made a new banner, so if you're using the old one, please update it. Much props to JuggaLover for making the new Halls Of Illusions logo!
Poll results
You remember the last poll, don't you? What is your fav jokers card now that the Wraith has been released... The Wraith won with 43.4% of the votes! The winner before the Wraith had been released was the Great Milenko, with only 37.8% votes. So congrats and thanks ICP for making this kickass record!
Wraith secrets
Posted on www.thesixth.com:
"I have a really huge secret and find to tell all the juggalos out there. Did you know that the story of the 6 jokers cards is a true myth? Well it is. The 6 jokers cards are just like the old Egyptian myth of the 6 faces of Chaos. The Egyptian myth states that when 6 feelings of negative arise in all the people then the world will end. When each feeling had arisen in every one person then a face of evil and chaos would rise and spread across the world. Well the first was Hate (Carnival of Carnage) then Despair (Ringmaster) then fear (Riddle-Box) then Shadow/Evil (Milenko) then Torment (Jekel Brothers) and finally there is not a felling but a symbol of Death (Wraith). So you see ICP had it all right. The jokers are real!!"
They also posted some news about a promo/wraith secret, soo peep it!
Juggalo needs your help!
This help was requisted by 4thebutterfly:
"Listen up, Juggalos. I've got a problem I need some help with. I'm dating a juggalo, he turned me on to the music, and he made my world a better place. But right now, his world is a pretty shitty place. Last night some motherfucker broke into his car and stole all of his CD's. His entire collection of Psychopathic Records family CD's. He had everything from Basement Cuts to Dark Lotus, and it's fucking gone. He works two jobs and is paying for college - it took a lot of work and a lot of cash to put together his collection and now he has to do it all over again. Some of the CD's were gifts, others he had to special order. He lives on a farm in the middle of butt fuck Ontario, and our music stores don't carry much of the wicked shit, you have to wait months for it to come in. But the thing that hurt the most was losing his two Hallowicked CD's from 2001 & 2002. He can't ever get those back, right?
So here's what I'm asking, help me make his world a little bit better. If anyone out there has double copies of the Hallowicked CD's, or if there's anything at all you can do to help me out - I could really use it. There's no way I can replace his entire collection by Christmas, I'm paying tuition too - but I gotta try. And I'm hopin' you ninjas out there will back me up. It's all about family right? Well one of your little brothers just got his ass kicked on the fucking playground.
Anything you can do, just let me know.
MCL, 4thebutterfly"
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Results on the Wraith
Juggalos and Juggalettes, Psychopathic Records is very pleased to announce that the Wraith: Shangri-La debuted at number 1 on the Billboard Independent Album Chart, blowing all other indie releases out of the water! The Wraith also debuted at number 15 on the Billboard Top 200, scanning units in excess of 77,000 copies for its first week, far outselling either Bizaar record. With such a good start for the new album, we are looking forward to strong future sales well into next year and we are overjoyed by the amount of positive responses we have been receiving about the record, Juggalos everywhere are proclaiming it to be the best Insane Clown Posse album ever!
We’d like to thank the Hatchet Family for everything and to remind you to stay tuned to www.insaneclownposse.com for future updates on Insane Clown Posse’s 2003 Shangri-La Mega-Tour! With the Era of the Sixth and Final Jokers Card in full swing, 2003 is going to be helly off the chain and we want all you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there to have the full down-low on all the excitement that is to come.
Diamonds Raining Pre-Tour!
Yes, seven luckly, heavenly cities will get to taste the awe and might of ICP's next tour a bit early with the totally devastating Diamonds Raining Pre-Tour! Insane Clown Posse with their homies Esham and Anybody Killa are hitting up a few select spots throughout the country for a super-hype, small-venue, pre-tour to celebrate the debut of the Sixth and Final Jokers Card The Wraith before the full-blown Shangri-La Tour hits just after the new year. If you happen to be nearby one of these seven lucky cities, you do not want to miss this chance to catch the Wicked Clowns on this pre-tour! And let's not forget the grandfather of the wicked sh!t Esham! AND there is that hardcore hoodlum Anybody Killa to boot?!? Stop playin'! This tour may be brief, but it promises to be straight off the chain!!
Two new news articles:
ICP Unveils a Dedication to God (Detroit Free Press)
Detroit Based CDs Rule the Charts! (Detroit News)
New Psycho Solitaire Game!:
Anarchos has done it once again! He finished developing his Psychopathic version of Solitaire! In this includes 3 good audio tracks to listen to while you're playing, different visual options, and one fresh deck of cards! So first, check out a screen shot:

Now, for the download! It's a VERY small download considering it's got 3 full length tracks in it! So check it...you'll be pleasantly surprised:
Anarchos's Psychopathic Solitaire (1.58 MB)
So have fun playing that Juggalos! And thanks again to Anarchos for always hookin it up!
We have a new affiliate! Welcome to www.thacarnival.com. Go peep that site, is has a fresh new Wraith layout.
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
New ICP Video Poll
For all of you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there who were really down with the devastating visual and audio effects that is the Homies Video, we at Psychopathic Records want the opinion of the Hatchet Family on what the next ultra phat fresh video should be. By now you’ve all heard the Wraith: Shangri-La in seclusion, away from all distractions and non-stop from track 1 to track 17 so you’ve had the opportunity to expose yourself completely to the message of the Sixth and Final Jokers Card. We want you to decide, from a choice of three songs from the new album, the next off the chain flavor that will strike the world. The choice is a simple one; choose between “Ain’t yo Bidness,” “Crossing thy Bridge,” or “It Rains Diamonds.” November is the time for voting so get over to the polls and cast your vote for the next out-of-this-world video from the Insane Clown Posse!
Metro Detroit Promotion
If you are a Juggalo or Juggalette in the Metro Detroit area, be it Downriver, the Burbs, or in the heart of Hockeytown itself, then you better fill your gas tank up , get your walking shoes on, or whatever you do to get prepped for a little bit of travel because Psychopathic Records is making a stop at several record stores in the area. Here’s the down-low: a Psychopathic Records representative will be driving a van to various locations in the Metro area, pulling into a parking space next to a record store and will be chilling in his ride from 3 pm to 7 pm each evening. Any ninja that swings up to one of these record stores will get a chance to get their hands on some special promotional material. This is a great opportunity for any ninja to get the latest word on Insane Clown Posse, the Wraith, and Psychopathic Records. So if you want a chance to see a little Psychopathic flavor, as well as a chance to check out a record store as well, get yourself down to one of the locations nearest you. Check out the Tours section for a complete listing.
Dark-Locas from www.mrbonesworld.com started a Juggalo Banner Exchange. So if you want to have a banner on your site, or if ya need the extra traffic this could be interesting for ya. Click here to go to the site and join.
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Attention: All ICP Collectors
Juggalos and Juggalettes, in what might possibly be one of the most highly sought after collector items ever released, Psychopathic Records is now releasing the devastating Wraith LP in a two disk vinyl set! That’s correct; Psychopathic Records is bringing it to you old school style! This never before seen offer from Psychopathic Records is a limited edition set: Only 1000 copies of this phat freshness will be pressed… regardless of demand! It will never be pressed again! Packaging includes a full-colored glossy jacket that will definitely set you in the mood for listening to the Sixth and Final Jokers Card!
So if you want this ultimate of ultimates, if you want to be one of the few and the proud to own the Wraith: Shangri-La on vinyl, you better move with the quickness. Get yourself over to Hatchetgear.com and go straight to the Wraith section and get your order in NOW! We repeat: this is a limited offer and when they’re gone they will never be available again! Please note: due to the overwhelming response on this offer and to be fair to all of the Juggalos and Juggalettes, there is a limit of two copies per customer.So if your down with the old school flavor, if you still jock the turntable technology or if you one of those all-out Insane Clown Posse collectors… get your ass in gear and pick up the ultimate flavor!
I've added more lyrics from The Wraith! Click here to go to the lyrics. Also a new poll has been added. In a previous poll 38% said The Great Milenko is their fav Jokers Cards, and 33% said The Riddlebox (click here to see the results). How has this been changed now the Wraith has arrived? In last poll, over 80% gave The Wraith 5 stars, so this should be a interesting one!
www.realjuggahos.com news:
Low Key posted an update, click here to read it. RJH is going to change, it's going to be all about the Juggalos. Well, we'll see, I expect pretty much of those guys!
www.realjuggalos.com news:
RJ has a new section: Stories About The Arrival Of The Wraith.
No news for today, only a link: Cool ICP interview
Some interesting Wraith stats, radio stations got from D3 Entertainment!
* ICP Sales blowing up!
* 65,000 1st day sales!
* Hits speculate 150K 1st week #3 debut on Billboard top 200 chart
* ICP outsells Dave Matthews in first week
* #1 Alternative video (CVC Report 11/6/02)
* Howard Stern TV interview Monday Nov. 18th
* #10 video - CVC Report Top 50 videos
* Trails U2 and Justin Timberlake for #3 position at most major chains
* #1 most requested on "Oven Fresh" Much Music - competition includes Eve, Mudvayne, Kelly, Roland, Audioslave, and Edema
* Over 100 accounts participated in midnight sales and sold out of all product. PERIOD
* Closing in on 10 milllion units in US alone over 10 year career
* CD includes bonus DVD of never before seen concert footage
* ICP is #3 in merchandise sales behind Ozzfest and Warped
* ICP has large, active fan base (Juggalos) who have supported ICP throughout their entire career
* ICP has created a philosophy on the world with their joker's card albums, in which the spirits of the Dark Carnival challenge their messages through ICP to the Juggalos
* "The Wraith: Shangri-La" marks the end of a 6 album concept where the band will no longer exist as ICP
* "Homies" video was directed by award winning director Paul Andresen (ie: Metalllica)
Over at HatchetGear.com they have some very cool new items. Check it out.
At www.purgatoryisodd.com they posted some news, their thoughts and visions on the Dark Carnival now that the Wraith has fallen.
Do not read this shit if you havent's heard The Wraith yet!!
Yesterday I listened to The Wraith for the first time, and I liked it a fucking lot! The unveiling, track 17.... nothing new if you'd ask me. ICP is talking about God for a long fucking time. In every booklet they have a 'thank you' to GOD! The hidden messages, the songs about cutting the devil's neck... you had to see it comming. If you didn't, well that's okay. But if you are a hater now because of the unveiling, FUCK YOU! "ICP turned soft"... well boo fucking hoo! There is still the wicked shit, and the message was always there. Nothing has changed, only now they honestly said they believe in God. "Down for life, wicked shit for life, ICP for ever". Then you have to STAY down fucka!
To all the real Juggalos I just wanna say I love ya, you are like family to me. We always said we are down for life, and we WILL stay down! I realise our family has got'n smaller since Nov 5th, but maybe it's not too bad the fake juggalos left the clique. The REAL core or the family will always be here, and will always support ICP and the rest of Psychopathic. We will always show the clown love.
Much, fucking much, family love to y'all...
Chookie, webmaster @ Halls Of Illusions
www.twiztid.com news:
Faygoluvers.net posted an email Spyder from Twiztid.com send to them:
SEE YA BACK 01/01/03

(click for larger pic)
Click here to order tickets.
GetRealDetroit.com has posted an article about ICP:

And also on LouisvilleMusic.com they have an ICP article.
Over at www.realjuggahos.com: All of RJH's secrets revealed. Check it out, it's pretty interesting.
Finally, it's here... the waiting is over. Much love to ya'll juggs and lettes!!

The guestbook is back online. But, please! Do not spoil the message, for not all Juggalos and Juggalettes have bought it yet!! Also a new poll is started today.
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Hear from the Wicked Clowns!
The day has at long last come upon us. THE WRAITH is finally upon us. Life will never be the same, because at long last the era of the Sixth Jokers Card, the era of the Wraith, has finally, truly, officially, and unmistakably begun!
To celebrate this momentous event, Insane Clown Posse has once again taken to the airwaves with ye olde shock jock Howard Stern, spreading the word, spreading the love, and just doing what they do best.
Now MANY of you are probably like I am and wake up around 10 AM at best. Well, I knew that you would want to hear the flavor of ICP on Howard Stern, and that many of you wouldn't have the energy to get up a listen (I can't blame you: 6 AM is WAY early!), so using the magic of the Lotus Pod Studio I have taped the whole segment of today's Howard Stern interview with ICP for your listening pleasure! Yes, it is right here in brilliant, clear MP3 format for all to enjoy and cherish! The Wraith is indeed upon us at last, so hear what the Wicked Clowns have to say now that it has dropped!
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
V Sinizter invades Florida!
Yes, Psychopathic Record's newest artist V Sinizter, winner of the Gathering of the Juggalos 2002 MC Contest, has his sights set on Florida ... at least for a couple of days. To show his love and ours for all of the Florida Juggalos, V Sinizter has been flown in to the Florida Wraith Release Parties to throw down some hardcore rhymes for all the hardcore Juggalos in the Sunshine State. This is a true treat, as V Sinizter's wicked flows haven't been on display since the Gathering when he threw it down and walked away with a phat online record contract. It's all for you, Florida Juggalos, 'cuz we appreciate the love!
Enjoy the sneak peek at what the rest of the Internet will have a chance to snag later on when V Sinizter's album Hunting Season drops in the next couple of months!
The Wicked Clowns hit up Howard Stern!
Greetings all!
Some of you might have forgotten, so I wanted to remind you real quick like that Insane Clown Posse will be on the Howard Stern Show tomorrow morning beginning at 6 AM, all bright and early. Wake up, set your tape recorders, go back to sleep, and then get up out of bed and listen to the ABSOLUTE WILDNESS that is sure to go down tomorrow morning! Many of you know how legendary ICP's previous Stern appearences have been, so you KNOW you don't want to miss this one! It will be the first time the Wicked Clowns speak in public after the release of the Wraith! Be sure to hit up that goodness, for goodness sake!!
("For goodness sake." That was pretty bad of me. Oh well.)
Check your local radio to find out which station good old Stern is on in your area.
The era of the Sixth is just HOURS away...
You have been waiting for MONTHS for its presense to unfold. Many of you have been waiting for YEARS to catch a hint of its truth. But soon, VERY soon, everyone out there will be able to taste Insane Clown Posse's new album The Wraith: Shangri-La.
Yes, the day is finally upon us. Tomorrow, November 5th, 2002, the world will finally be able to truly embrace The Wraith, as it hits record stores throughout the country and indeed throughout the world. Many of you have already pre-ordered the Wraith from BestBuy.com, making sure you are not left out, and putting this final Jokers Card album at the top of the pre-order charts. Many of you are hitting up the official Wraith Release Parties spread throughout the country tonight and tomorrow night. Even more of you are hitting up your own Record Release Parties at record stores, nightclubs, raves, houses, apartments, street corners, bus stops, Elks halls, frat houses, public parks, and a dozen other spots throughout the world. This is WITHOUT QUESTION the biggest, most-powerful record release -- scratch that -- the most-powerful EVENT in Psychopathic Record's proud and ruthless ten-year history, period. BE SURE to get your copy of The Wraith as soon as you can from stores and parties everywhere, and hear the message that was ten years in the making!
www.realjuggalettes.net news:
The RJ.net crew is back, and has some cool updates:
"Now that I've said that, I'd like to welcome yous back to the site. We took a break cause we weren't here so perfect timing. Hallowicked was the SHIT!! I hate to say this but I really had more fun that week than the Gathering, only because it was much more calmer and you just had time to really chill and have fun besides the show. I got some pics up from both Hallowicked shows, courtesy of Superballs017 and I should have some more within the next couple days from Nick. The Zoo was the awesome too, lol. Not many Juggalos showed up but I don't blame ya, it was fucking freezing out and snowed...it's all good. See at the moment it seemed like a great idea because it was still warm out and we didn't think about how cold it was gonna be. Still ended up being a great idea cause I got to hang out with all the Juggalos I love and all the Juggalos I have the bestest times with...and we froze together. I got some pics up from the Zoo and there will be some more up in a couple days...SEE THE FUN YALL MISSED!!! (LOL) I'd like to thank all the Juggalos that did show up...so thank you. :o) Anyways, go check out the pics from Hallowicked and the Zoo that are up so far . Oh, and I hope everyone that got Pez enjoyed it."
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the one and only, JAMIE MADROX! :o)
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Hallowicked 2002 Review and In-Store Tour News
Hallowicked 2002 has come and gone. This year the event was a never before seen two day venue over at the Royal Oak Music Theater in Royal Oak, Michigan! This event was more intense then previous Hallowicked shows and to get the full effect, besides being there in person, would be to check out the review for yourself! It gives you the basic break down of what happened at each show and has accompaning photos taken live at the event! So if you want the full story click over to the Hallowicked 2002 Review now!
In regards to the Wraith In-Store Tour there has been a cancellation and a replacement. Karma Records at 2134 East 62nd Street in Indianapolis, IN 46220 has cancelled and is now replaced by Berry's at 2712 South Madison Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (Contact Number: 317.780.0441). Keep yourself updated on the Wraith In-Store Tour daily for any updates or changes by checking out our Tours section under The Wraith: Shangri-La In-Store Tour 2002.
Kleptic from www.juggaloweb.net has sent me some news:
"One of the webmasters from juggaloweb is starting a record company. It officially opens May 2003 but right now we are looking at demo's and have got some good stuff so far. So if you a musical juggalo do this:
Send demo with pictures of group/band and bio to
WK Records
P.O. box 5038
Meriden, Connecticut 06450
To get ahold of anyone for any reason send to [email protected]."
www.faygoluvers.net news:
Do you remember the Code Bizaar from the Bizaar booklet back in 2000? Well, we sure haven't! If you forgot what we're talking about, take a peek below bitch and get your shit back in gear!

With all the intense chaos of October 31st's completely sold-out Hallowicked show, no one heard Violent J say the answer to this two-year mystery. People have been writing in with anticipation for the answer, wondering what truths this puzzle will unlock.Well, wait and wonder no further! With all the activity with Hallowicked going on, we haven't had a chance to post this until now, so without any further ado, here is the answer to Code Bizaar:
The Sixth Jokers Card will be a mirror of your death, your own ending.
There you have it! The answer has finally been revealed! "What does it mean?" "How does this relate to the Wraith?" These are questions you will just have to answer yourself when you finally hear the Sixth Jokers Card, The Wraith, drop on Tuesday, November 5th, 2002!
www.realjuggalos.com news:
www.realjuggalos.com is finally back online with their new layout. Go check it out! Personally, I think their previous layout was just as good, and it was a shame the site was offline for such a long time, but go see for yourself.