September 2003
29-09-2003 (Chookie)
New project:
Chookie and Muddy Vlad are going to make a trip around the world, and they need places to sleep over. Go to and read all about it!
27-09-2003 (WaY_WeiRd & Chookie & Cartoon Nitemarez)

TwiztidShop.CoM and HatchetGear.CoM
New Stuff at TwiztidShop.CoM and HatchetGear.CoM!
Hey all, it's WaY_WeiRd here, lettin' ya'll know about there bein' some new stuff at HatchetGear.CoM and some new items of the week at TwiztidShop.Com.
Go check it out! 
Logo Contest Winners Are Here !!!!
After MANY entries, the winners of the Zug Izland Logo Contest have been decided.
Second place goes to Lynann Wilkson. You can take a look at her entry here.
The first place winner and now owner of the Zug Izland backdrop that was used on their tour with Kings X is Johnny Rodriguez from Dallas, TX. He submitted 2 entries for the logo contest, and you can check those out here.
Congratulations to the 2 winners and thanks to ALL of you that submitted entries to this contest.
New Phat or Whack
Our very own Muddy Vlad is the new entry in the Phat or Whack section. Go here and listen to his track The True Evil. The last entry by the Krazy Manix was Phat by 72 votes over 57.

Another Band For Your Ass..
Aight, its meee Cartoon Nitemarez up in this bish.
I got another Juggalo band for your asses to check out.. so go do it cuz these guys kick some major ass. In4records... based outta Michigan.
check em out at:
26-09-2003 (Cartoon Nitemarez)
Major Seattle Bones
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! The mother fuckin' city of Seattle has decided to pull a jack move and make it impossible for the Insane Clown Posse to play tomorrow. They have deemed the show to be a threat and a health hazard to all who would attend and will not allow ICP to perform the kind of show they've put on for the past ten years.
The city of Seattle totally freaked, even though ICP has played there before with no bones. They contacted us last night, giving us an ultimatum that we had to meet in less than 48 hours: No faygo 2-liters, no stage diving, no calling forth the Hatchet Family onto the stage, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc... basically no fuckin' fun whatsoever. We would have never ever booked such a show if we knew that all of these stale ass restrictions were going to be placed upon us.
This is utter bull shit! We would like to apologize to all of you Juggalos and Juggalettes who have been waiting long for this show... this goes far beyond just this Friday and it looks like, unless the city lightens up, we will never be able to play Seattle again because of this shit. We urge all Seattle Juggalos that can travel to come on down to the Portland Oregon show this Saturday where ICP is given the freedom to bring to you the mind-bendin', wig-flippin' show that you expect, love, and deserve.
Well shitness.. that sucks.... I was going to go to that concert too.. until i found out I was stupidly Scheduled to work that day.. so i guess i don't feel soooo bad.. but it still sucks donkey balls..
25-09-2003(Cartoon Nitemarez)
Upcoming Show Info
The Zug Thugs will be joining Twiztid on the Green Book Tour. You can catch that show on Saturday October 4th at Harpos in Detroit, MI.
Esham in L.A.
Hey, Esham's back in Detroit after spending a long weekend out in Los Angeles filming the video for his upcoming single, "Woo Woo Woo," and we've got the scoop for ya here. The filming went smooth, with a bunch of celebrities that're doing cameos. The video's got Fred "The Hammer" Williamson, who was in "From Dusk Till Dawn," among other movies. It's got Todd Bridges, who ya might know as Willis from "Diff'rent Strokes." And that ain't all... there's still Moses Hightower from the "Police Academy" series, Bubba Smith. Oh, yeah, and did I mention extreme porn queen Jasmine St. Claire shows up as well? And there's still a few more surprises left for when you see the video. The video should be set to air in about three weeks, so check your local airwavesfor when the flavor hits.
23-09-2003 (JuggMister & Cartoon Nitemarez)
Well what do you know, the one and only Slim kid is back in your screen coming at ya face first like you know only I can do!!! It's been way to long since I stopped by and said anything to the Fam so I felt with a few mins off I fill you in with some flavor from the road!
Slim in Chi town: That's right all you Family members that came out to the Green Book Chicago show a little over a week or so ago was in for one hell of a show. To everyones surprise I was up in that bitch right along with everyone else!!! Well I'm finaly back from the road and recording my new album so It's time to recap the night. After making sure everything was set and still down the night before with Jamie, and Chris, Slim was all set to make the journey from Niles MI to Chi town!!! So me and one of my boys arive and as I walk up to the venue who is the VERY first person I spot?? But non other than my boy Big Chris!!! So I walk over to him and he's like what up Slim meet me here after the show and we will kick down some flavor (you all will find out about that flavor soon!!!) Anyway so I head in and see a sea of people at the merch table so much I couldn't even see who was running the table. So I said I will say what up to who ever was running it later on. So I head on to the floor when I hear loud noise that to me wasn't sounding good so I quickly went back out. It was the opening band uhh some Satanic band Society One or whatever anyway if you like Satanic stuff you will love these guys. So I went out grabbed some nachos and met up with my boy Chris again. We talked right there with tons of people around I swear no one even realized who was around them everyone was just having so much fun. Then the music stopped so I headed back in and took a seat and waited to see who would come out next. Then out of no where I hear my boy Daddy Long Legs from The WolfPac come out and start tearing shit up!!! I was like wow I didn't realized that they started the tour allready so I was in shock. A couple nights before me and him were talking and then at like 3 in the morning I seen him on The Howard Stern show showing nothing but Family love!!! They rocked the house, then that crazy native ABK came out and tore shit up. After all of this and several Lortabs later my boys Jamie and Paul the one and only serial killers themselves TWIZITD came out and literaly blew my wig off. Everywhere I looked people were standing and singing everysingle lyric to everysingle song! My boy seen some people smoking a joint and he walked over and asked if he could hit it and of course with all that love they let him sit down and join their session, so to whoever you guys were...much love to you all! After the show I left and stopped by and talked to Picklez and Southern Crumpet for a bit running the merch table. Then I went out side and met up with Chris and by then Jamie and Paul were done. So a group of us, Chris standing next to me stood around smoking some blunts while the road crew loaded stuff up. On a personal note I got so much Seperated At Birth love in Chi Town it was awesome, to everysingle person there much love to all of you. It was deffently a night I will never forget!!! Much love to Jamie, Paul, Chris, and of course my boy Daddy Long Legs, Picklez, Southern Crumpet, and of course my big brother Spyder! I know their was no news in this post but Spyder wanted me to kick down a report about that night to everyone so I hope this inspires anyone that hasn't seen the Green Book Tour more inspiration to get out and really have a bad ass night!!!

Necro vs A few days ago our homies @ put up Necros new album on the site 4 everyone 2 download, Necro got pissed and mailed some staff members threats and shit. Thats just fucking whack! All they did was helping him promote, but he took it as they where ripping him off. Like SCN said over at, "I only buy CDs of artists that I really support. Everything else, I download.". Its the exact same thing with me, i download everything, when i buy shit i never play it, i just buy em 2 support the artists, i dont even own a fucking cd-player! Its mp3's all day long, but i still got a bunch of cd's, i buy everything from Psychopathic and offcaurse everything from Majik, i also buy shit from other artists that i think is good enough 2 support, such as Tech N9ne. I got Absulte Power original even tho i downloaded it from , just cuz his the shit and i wanted it original. I would have bought Necros new album 2 if he dident start threatnin' the staff @, now im just gonna download everything he puts out cuz he doesnt deserv the money. With all the advertising RJ has made 4 him his gonna starta acting like a dick, thats just whack...Everybody can get ahold of the album online without the help from RJ, so he shouldent be so fucking pissed, what a bitch...
Check Out These Guys.
I got an email from a guy wanting me to check out his group, Necromasters, over at:
I personally recommend you check them out.. they are pretty fresh, and I aint just saying that.
Cartoon Nitemarez
21-09-2003 (WaY_WeiRd)

18-09-2003 (JuggMister & Chookie)
Wicked all the Way Well it's official, the one and only Wicked Wonka Tour is truely under way! Ninjas are lining up in Cleveland to step through the door on the first day of this ultra-devastating tour. Bone Thugs 'n' Harmony are in the house, the Kottonmouth Kings are in the house, Tech N9ne is in the house and, of course, who can forget the Insane Clown Posse! That's right! That stage is going to be decimated once the first night is over! And the best part of all is... that's only the first stop! Juggalos. Juggalettes. Don't miss out on this tour! When the Wicked Wonka Tour comes to a town near you, get your tickets and head on over because you will definately want to see all the flavor that hits the stage. And you'll especially have to see in person the stage set for Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope!!! Talk about helly wig-flippin'! This is a once in a life time event: Tech N9ne, Kottonmouth Kings, Bone Thugs 'n' Harmony, and the Insane Clown Posse! Be there!
Got Stern?
The Howard Stern Show is long since over; we've told you about the radio broadcast, told you about the audio download, told you about the television broadcast. The Insane Clown Posse in yet another psychopathic appearance... yet some of you still might not have had the chance to partake in the freshness. Well, we could just link you straight over to the audio feed by clicking here but we thought it would be better if we gave you the video footage! That's correct, just click here and you can take a peep at what the hell went down on the Howard Stern Show... in MPEG format! Just be patient though, with files like these it can take a bit of time to download them. So get your faygo and popcorn and kick back while you watch the flavor.
Shiit, we have missed alot of news here =/ i dont even think we mentioned that they have a new layout 4 the site....anyway, they have, and its dope! This friday there will be a song from Repentance up 4 us 2 download, that 2morrow! And on October 3, there will be a video up there, a music video 2 the song "In Detroit" from Repentance, prolly the same song that we can download 2morrow but still fresh ass hell! i cant w8! And on October 10, hes gonna put down a show at Harpo's, go 2 4 more info on that.

Just A Few Words OK, first, if you havent voted 4 "Most Wanted Game" yet on go vote now! Metal Gear Solid 3 is Gaining on us, BackYard Wrestling drops soon and needs all the promotion it can get, it drops 7-10-2003!
Next thing, remember that HOI now has its own Phat Or Whack section, it can be found 2 the left under Main, the first contestant is up so get your voting on!
Thrillah, back 2 that fresh ass ninjette rapper, i havent talked 2 her in a while but she said 2 me, if yall like the song 'Southside And Proud' she will send me some more songs! and 48% of all that has listend 2 it so far gave it a 5, she gotta be happt with thoose numbers! so i guess there will be more songs with her up soon.
Another thing that i always forget 2 post about is that it is a Juggalo in Michael Moore's Bownling For Columbine, somebody told me that on the HOI Forum, ive just forgotten 2 mention it =/ anyway, its near the end he helps a guy in a wheel cheer and hes wearing a white juggalo shirt, he can also be seen on the dvd box, "Juggalos Everywhere Bitch" 
Thats all i got 4 ya right now, if you wanna comment anything on this mail me at [email protected] ...peace yall
New HOI shop design, for the lettes!

"I'm a lette, with eyes in the back of my head" on front
"I know that you are checking out my ass" on the back
Check out the HOI shop now!
17-09-2003 (Chookie, Cartoon Nitemarez, & WaY_WeiRd)
ICP at Howard Stern (15 09 2003) video
Thanks to we now have the video from ICP at the Stern show. Just right-click here to download it!

Peace Be Upon You, Brother
Yesterday one of Psychopathic Records reservists, and much more importantly one hell of a good person, Colin Murray, passed away very suddenly. He was a friend to more than one of us at the office, especially Jumpsteady, who wanted to share a word with you about our now lost brother. Click here for what he has to say.
Damn, i didn't know who he was.. but thats sad :( RIP.. we'll all see ya in Shangri-la.
(from the 15th...)
From a Galaxy near You...
Psychopathics from Outer Space: Part Two!!! You thought they were gone. You thought they would never return. You were wrong! The most unbelievable sequel ever conceived comes at you with over 20 new tracks! Over 80 minutes of mindbending music! So fuckin' fat that we couldn't possibly squeeze any more on it! The earth is not safe from the Psychopathics: The Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, Esham, ABK, Zug Izland, Blaze, Jumpsteady, Dark Lotus... all starring in this feature blockbuster! The days of this planet are numbered! Keep watching the skies! Be prepared by finding out more about all the new tracks on the album! This new CD is coming to a theater near you!
New stuff at HatchetGear.CoM!
Hey everyone, it's WaY_WeiRd...
HatchetGear.CoM has some awesome new stuff up! They've got a new Psychopathic Records T-shirt, a new ICP BMX jersey, a black Wraith football jersey, and a new sampler for the 6th!
All of y'all need to get ya butts over there and check that shit out!
16-09-2003 (WaY_WeiRd)

Woo woo! I’m back as promised with that flava ya been looking for fo a hot minute… I’m talkin’ bout none other than the winners of the Green Book promotional contest we ran all the way back in June. Today I’m only gonna post the Grand Prize and the Runner-Up winners. (I think that’s what we called it originally, maybe). Regardless, today Imma announce the winner(s) of the Green Book Leather Coat and the runners uppers who getting’ hooked up with they very own personalized jerseyz. So take a look below to find out if you got lucky. Actually take a look below to find out if you was one of the onez who we felt busted they azz hardest of all yall down ass juggaloz. Really anyone who participated was a winner because they know they got the love of the Twiztid Serial Killin’ FAMILY!!! These names however were the ones that kicked the most ass and took a picture of them doin it all over they townz, wherever that may be. Congratulations to all of the following:
Runner Up Jersey Winnerz:
Name and Hometown
1) Ryan Glasscock of Carrolton, TX
2) Lee Terwilliger of Lackawanna, NY
3) Hurley from Mustang, OK (P.S. We need your first name)
4) John O’Connor of N.P.R., FL (P.S. Where the hell is that?)
5) Angie Workman from Parma, OH
6) Allen Cole aka “Big Al” from Culpepper, VA
7) Abinadi Moses of Raleigh, NC
Keith Westfall from Security, CO
9) John Carr from St. Louis (with the dope video submission!)
10) Jess Premo of Catskill, NY
#1 Wit a Bullet muthafackoz… SARAH & CHOLEE of none other than Pasadena, CA
Yes, there is only one grand prize winner but these two chicks are attached at the hip and submitted by far the most in depth portfolio of their tactics of all the entries. Now if ya wanna talk about some down ass Juggalettes, look no further than Sarah & Cholee (that’s actually Chloee pronounced [Klow-ee] but she knowz who she is.) I’m talkin’ they went to Hollywood and just assaulted all types of TV and Porno stars with posters and glue guns type shit! That might be a little exaggeration but they did paint Hollywood green as a muthafacko!
So Sarah, and Cholee, ya gonna have ta duke it out on a daily to figure out who gets that fresh ass leather but congratulations anyways. I’m sure yall will figure it out!
Now for the runnerz upperz:
I got everyones mailin address but I ain’t got everyones sizing info or what they want on they custom nameplatez. So I need ya to hit a playa up at [email protected] to let us know these lil morsels of info. Just so I know ain’t nobody perpetratin on the web, you gonna have to verify your address with me in that email as well.
Note to tomorrowz 3rd Place winners:
If ya was lucky enough to get invited to join the street team but weren’t on the above lists, there’s still a chance at ten 3rd place prizes which we will announce tomorrow night, right here, same bat time, same bat channel. These prizes will be a fresh $50.00 store credit at the only official serial-killin web-store, If you find your name on tomorrows list of winners, you will receive the store credit for whatever the size of an order you place. If you make an order of say $100.00 you will only have to pay $50.00. Dope right! All orders will be honored but ones for less than $50.00 will not receive change or anything like that. Important Note: DO NOT PLACE YOUR ORDER THROUGH THE WEBSITE AND PAYPAL!! The reason is that I can’t make it so that you would get the hook up through paypal. It just won’t work. You will have to send your order in Money Order style to the PO BOX listed on TwiztidShop. But only send us a money order if what you want is for more than 50 bucks. Otherwise just send what you want and where to ship it to. Orders over 50 bucks just send it in for the remaining balance of the order. Don’t sweat adding in shippin’ charges. We’ll pick up the tab on this one! Prizes can be claimed through December 31st, 2003. Seee ya tamarra.
Everyone else listed above: Give yourself a big clap but stay away from the clap if ya know what I mean. Congratulationz!!!
15-09-2003 (Chookie)
Hater on AIM
Check out what 'Twiztid hatchets' said to me on AIM (flippedieflap is me, Chookie):
Twiztid hatchets: The Dark Carnival Is all A BIG LIE!!!!
flippedieflap: The messages behind it are true. And that's what counts
Twiztid hatchets: its not true
Twiztid hatchets: The Dark Carnival told u to say that
Twiztid hatchets: icp will die like a bunch of bitches
Twiztid hatchets: wanna suck some dick
Twiztid hatchets: so could u suck my dick
Twiztid hatchets: eat shit and die or fuck off at least
flippedieflap: U are not a juggalo
Twiztid hatchets: ok
Twiztid hatchets: i was just fuckin around dick head
He was also fucking around with our news ninjette Way_Weird (that is JelloBaby87 in this chat history):
Twiztid hatchets: The Dark Carnival Is all A BIG LIE!!!!
JelloBaby87: And so are you.
Twiztid hatchets: wigger
Twiztid hatchets: The Dark Carnival told u to say that
Twiztid hatchets: god told me to tell u that ur goin to burn in hell
Twiztid hatchets: u got the way u livin ur life wrong
Twiztid hatchets: hoe
So be my guest and stalk the juggahoe!
13-09-2003 (JuggMister)
Bootlegged Gold
We here at Psychopathic Records would like to say thanks to all of you Juggalos and Juggalettes out there that went out and purchased your copy of Bootlegged in LA. This stellar DVD is now RIAA Certified Gold, testiment to the devastating power of the footage catured for your viewing pleasure. But that doesn't mean that the contest is over! Hell no! Purchase your copy today and send your receipt to P.O. Box 332, Royal Oak, MI 48068-0332 to enter the Bootlegged in LA goes Gold contest! Fuck that, the Bootlegged in LA goes Platinum contest! So what are you waiting for... lets make this baby go Platinum! This DVD is available everywhere and if you can’t find everywhere then head right on over to!
Insane Clown Posse's Bootlegged In LA
The RIAA Certified Gold DVD concert extravaganza that you will not want to miss! Concert footage of the Insane Clown Posse that you would truely be crazy to pass up! Featuring opening performance by the Hatchet Warrior himself, ABK!
Violent J's Wizard Of The Hood!
The debut solo EP album. Join Violent J on a classic journey through one of the most beloved tales of our time... updated for Juggalo homies worldwide. Get it today and prepare to be blown away to a place that will definately flip your wig!
JCW Vol. 3 in Stores Nov. 4th
The 3rd installment of Juggalo Championshit Wrestling! This DVD collectors item contains 3 times the blood, 3 times the gore, 3 times the mayhem of the last 2 volumes. Make sure to get your copy when it is released in stores on November 4th!
11SEP03 - 3 Year Anniversary!
Although this day is a day of sadness, reflection, and mourning for many people, it may be noted that exactly 1 year before September 11th was forever ruined by the malicious acts of malevolent terrorists, Dark Carnival Games (DCG) was founded. On September 11, 2000, DCG became an offical organization with the single-minded mission of bringing Morton's List to the world.
Understandably, the one-year anniversary of the company's founding was little cause for celebration. In 2002, with the game well underway, two authors just returning from Burning Man, and one preparing to journey to Egypt for an important visit to the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, the anniversary flew by without much publicity. At DCG, it was an introspective time, with a lot of thought given to how dramatically the game has grown, evolved, and touched the lives of so many.
This year, with America's New Day of Infamy fully acknowledged and respected, we must make a very important announcement relating to the future of has existed as a portal to bring the message of Morton's List to the Internet-using world. In so doing, it has been a place for DCG to post news of the game, official events, and (of course) sell merchandise and games.
But Morton's List has grown beyond the scope of an organization as small and as secretive as DCG. The Inner Circle (those who have played Morton's List) has grown into the thousands, and all of these Members bring their own flavor to the Game. As the Game is enhanced by every Member of the Inner Circle, so will the website now expand be a part of and include the greater Inner Circle. will now be run by Inner Circle ninjas who have distinguished themselves in what may be described as their high-level Morton-ness. The people at Forbidden Realms, who are well known for being the force behind will act as head ninjas for this new model, which will include all Morton's List websites, and will give as many Members of the Inner a voice as possible. They have over the years, and right up to this past Gathering of the Juggalos, distinguished themselves, shown long-term dedication, and in all ways schooled it. As stated, the Game has grown, and so too must the scope of the web site. We are certain the Forbidden Realms ninjas will freak it at levels not presently imaginable, bringing the website and the game to newer levels of real-life flavor.
12-09-2003 (JuggMister & Chookie)
New HOI feature: Phat or Whack
As seen on get the opinion of the Juggalo world about your music. Check the section for more info!

Thrillah Song! 
If you read This Interview you already know who Thrillah is and that she is dropping an EP called "World War XIII", we now got one song from that ep entitled Southside And Proud. So download that song right now!
Thrillah - Southside And Proud
(right click, save target as)
Send Thrillah your thought on the song @ [email protected].
Wicked Wonka Tour Gone Wild Between the Insane Clown Posse, Bone Thugs 'n' Harmony, the Kottonmouth Kings, and Tech N9ne, if there isn't enough reason to get your ticket for the Wicked Wonka Tour then we got something that will definitely spin your lid... New Merch! The Psychopathic Phactory has been working overtime and has schooled out an all new line of HatchetGear merchandise. Over 30 new items! If you want a sneak peek at some of the merch then just click here! Don't miss out on the Wicked Wonka Tour, ninjas are going to be talking this one up for years to come! Insure your spot at the nearest venue by ordering your tickets today because these tickets are selling fast and some are close to sold out! For a complete listing of what cities the tour will hit, just click here!
Stern Sights For those of you who were on point when September 3rd rolled around, you have already heard all the fresh flavor that went down live on the Howard Stern Show. If you didn't, then you've already have had the chance to listen to the audio we put on the site. Now, why not see it on TV! If you want to see the truely devastating segment featuring the Insane Clown Posse then you'll want to make sure to be in front of the tube this Monday, September 15th, at 11 pm. The Howard Stern Show is on E! and just to guarentee that you don't miss out, double check your local listings.
Pics Pics And More Pics There's a ton of new pics in the photos section for all you Zuggalos to check out. We'll have some live videos up for you as soon as we work out some technical problems. If you have any pictures to submit feel free to e-mail them to me here.
The time is 7:30 PM on 9/11. (By the way pay some respect to all the victims of terrorism worldwide today). But, due to our site gettin all screwed up today the special listed below is still in effect since people couldn't place orders today! So don't miss out! There's still autographs available!
Limited Edition Special!!!
Going on now for a very limited time is the bomb diggity giveaway only here at! Starting today (which is Wednesday Sept. 10th) we will be giving away autographed 8x10 photos of Twiztid to the first fifty orders of 50 dollars or more. That's right! We hookin ya up proper with a dope gift from TwiztidShop... and all ya gotta spend is fitty buckz. This won't last long so don't flinch or you'll miss out. Yeah, I swear they the real deal too, not no pooboo knockoffs.
Shipping has just gotten a whole helluva lot easier! At least tracking your shipping has... Now check out our newly updated help page to track your order. Simply enter the item number given to you on your paypal reciept and blam!!!! You trackin yo shit!
Sizing Info:
Sizes of the jerseys tend to run a little larger than what some of you have been expecting. We will be offering smaller sizes in jerseys soon, but beware!!! We here aren't in to sportin young ass hookups ourselves so that's why we told the manufacturer "Don't skimp on the thread bitoch!" So don't expect no halter-top sized hockey jerseys. T-Shirts are just like you would expect but the jerseys were designed with a little breathin' room ya heard!
In other related freshness, we in the process of setting up a merchant account which will allow us to accept credit cards directly through our site in a 100% secure online transaction. We workin out all the details right now so all yallz who cant use paypal, never fear, an alternative method is comin. We'll let ya know when it arrives!
Last but not least let's not forget about fat kidz luv. We just wanted to officially inform youz that we have the Afraid Of Me t-shirt available in a 5XL! We been gettin heat about not reppin the larger population, but we tryin. More items will be available shortly shorty so stay on top of thangz! (And for the little los' and lettes' we should have a medium shirt available some time next week.)
11-09-2003 (JuGGe & WaY_WeiRd)
This mail dropped in 2day: Hey whats up, my boy HMD just recorded his E.P. entitled "OUTTA NOWHERE" and its up for download for "FREE" in mp3 format @ 128 kbps on his website , Go to the audio section, download it, spread the word, send all feedback to [email protected] ,also beats will be up for sale for those who need them
WE need the help of the juggalos
**McL** They got some new clothing in the new item section.
So get over there right now and have a look
Supp yo???
Just wanted to drop yall a quick line that we runnin a devastatin special that I just put up 10 minutes ago on In a nut shell, the first fifty orders that come in is getting' the ultimate hook up. It's real basic but real fresh. The first fifty orders over fifty dollars will receive a free autographed Twiztid flat with their order. I had my homies sign em out on the road and I should be getting them back here at the office by Friday so'z we'z can ship them out as soon as we can. Don't sleep on this one!!!
Also if you was looking for some fat kid luv, we got some 5XL Afraid Of Me shirts over there now too. More big kidz stuff is comin too so keep peepin. Also hopefully by next week we gonna have some smaller sizes in a select few items too. I gotta show skinny kid love too cuz I ain't fittin in to no 5X myself.
Anyways, we hookin up the first fitty orders as they come in thatz over fitty bucks so if you don't get one that's because you was slippin! So get over there now and be sure to check out the updates on the main page for more newz!
Peace y'all.
10-09-2003 (JuggMister & Chookie)
Get your Kilts Ready!
All you Highlander Hatchetmen, all you Scottish Stranglas... get ready for a wig flippin'. The Shangri-La Tour is coming to Glascow! Bagpipes have been blowin' up and Psychopathic Records aims to please, the Insane Clown Posse is coming to the Garage on November 5th! Get your tickets as soon as you can because they will go fast! For a complete listing of where and when the Shangri-La Tour hits Europe, just click here!
Hallowicked Sold Out
Do not adjust you monitor, it's true: the 10th Annual Hallowicked Show is absolutely positively sold out! No more tickets are available. Most of you out there know how quickly these tickets sell out and for those of you who didn't, well, now you know. Don't give yourself the double bone! Tickets to the Wicked Wonka Tour are still available and you won't want to miss out twice on the entire flavor! Check out the tour list, find out the nearest city that the Wicked Wonka Tour hits, and buy yourself a ticket... before they sell out.

QuadCity Juggalos Listen Up!! My homie =MaDrOx= over at mailed me and said that hes gonna put 2gether a little mini gathering, the only problem is he dont know where he should have it, so right now theres a vote going on about where the gathering should be. So everybody go vote! if you want more info on the gathering or just wanna say "whut up" 2 my homie MaDrOx then you can send him a mail: [email protected]
New items in the HOI shop
Added to the HOI shop are shirts, sweaters and more with this new text:

Natalie Imbruglia does "Insane Clown Posse" photoshoot
I am not even going to try to explain this, just read the article here 
Hunt down the stalker!
A beloved member of the Halls Of Illusions forum, a Juggalette named SweetNSassyJ, is having BIG problems with a stalker. He is scaring the shit out of her, and she had to go to the hospital today because of a seizure or panic attack. The stalker is a sadistic bastard Juggalo named Gazz Pritchard, he lives in Derbyshire England, on Flamsteed Crescent. Well, he calls himself a Juggalo, but clearly he's not! His picture is a bit down here. If you have any information about this guy, please mail her brother: [email protected]. If you KNOW the guy, or live in the neighborhood, go and have a talk with him. Get him to leave SweetNSassyJ alone. The police won't help, so we need to help our family ourselves. Thanks ya'll. ~Chookie

09-09-2003 (Cartoon Nitemarez & Chookie)

Weekly Freekly
Once again, coming at you from the one and only Violent J is the highly anticipated Weekly Freekly! Get ready for five facts from the man himself... as well as a few other statements that will definately flip your wig. Head on over to the newest additionand get your read on.
End-of-summer-sale in the HOI shop!
Many items are on sale in the online HOI shop. So save some buck and order now!
08-09-2003 (Chookie)
This was in my mail today:
On September 9th will be launching a new website. Not just a new layout for UKJ, but an entire new site. Every part of the site has been re-vamped and re-written. This is a new beginning for It has been worked on for months and now it is finally ready to be launched.
07-09-2003 (WaY_WeiRd)

There's a new charm up at TwiztidShop.CoM.
06-09-2003 (WaY_WeiRd & Cartoon Nitemarez)

The show at HARPO'S tonighthas been rescheduled to OCTOBER 4th. All tickets for tonight's show will be honored on the new OCTOBER 4th date.
That's some staleness. I dunno about any of you other Detroit area 'los and 'lettes that were goin', but I'm disappointed as hell. The Harpo's Website says that it has been postponed due to illness...
Stern Sounds
Well September 3rd was just the other day and if you listen to the Howard Stern Show then you had the opportunity to listen in on a truely devastating segment with Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope! Now some of you out there are saying, "I flipped through the channels on my TV and I didn't see the Insane Clown Posse on Howard Stern" and you would be right... it was on the radio broadcast of the Howard Stern Show. Its all recorded live for radio and then shown on TV at a later date. The actual TV showing will be aired later next week (keep checking in at for exact time when it becomes available). But, if this has put a damper on your spirits, if your kicking yourself in the ass for missing it, or you just can't wait to see it on TV then just click right here and listen to the audio from that segment. That's right, so while you're waiting for the visuals to a wig-splittin' episode of the Howard Stern Show, sit back and relax while you give it a good listen. Trust me, after hearing it you'll want to see it live! Thanks to Matt Kazarian and also to Scottie D at for getting us the hook-up.
05-09-2003 (Cartoon Nitemarez & JuggMister)
Wicked Wonka Tour Change
We've got an important venue change for the Wicked Wonka Tour that you need to know about. The September 17th show (yes, the very first show) of the Wicked Wonka Tour has been moved from its old venue of the Tower City Amphitheater to its new venue of Scene Pavilion (formerly The Old Nautica), a phat-ass outdoor club just waiting to be broken in with some Juggalo love! If you have a ticket from the old venue, don't worry: it's still good with the new venue. And if you don't have a ticket, GET ONE NOW from! It's the first show of the Wicked Wonka Tour, so YOU KNOW it is going to be off-the-chain!
And for the rest of you, check out the rest of the Wicked Wonka Tour featuring Insane Clown Posse, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Kottonmouth Kings, and TechN9ne. It's a phat line-up, and it's heading just about everywhere, so don't miss it!
Click here for more...
*Note:This next one was from yesterday*
London Show Sold Out If you were waiting to get tickets in London for the devastating Shangri-La Tour well the bad news is... they are sold out. To avoid giving all you European and UK juggalos that wanted to experience the flavor in London the total bone, we have some special news just for you. The world famous London Astoria Theatre has opened its doors to the Wicked Clowns! Despite the mad amounts of seating you best get your tickets now! No waiting around. We've move the venue once and will not be able to move it again. Once tickets are gone, they are gone... none at the door. So, if you don't want to be locked out of the Astoria while everything unimaginable happens inside, get your tickets today because they will go fast!
Whadup whadup whadup???
Oh shit!!!
Check me out with two consecutive updates y'all. What in the hell is goin on in this world when I gotta be da man on the keys two straight times? Well, a shit ton of things actually. As you may know, Twiztid is out on the road right now, blazin' across America on The Green Book tour, Chapter 1. All ya Juggalos within a three thousand mile radius of da Nati should be down at Bogarts tonight to check out the show that features tons of tracks off the new album. (That's Cincinnati if you readin' this from Malaysia or somewhere.) If you fall just outside that three thousand mile radius and are ineligible for the show, peep out the Green Book Tour link here at newz central to get the low down on the rest of the upcoming dates.
Over at we gonna be changin' up a few things here and there too. Look for new items to come soon, including hoodies cuz it's getting' a bit nipply outside the past few nights and fall is upon us. I'm tryin to get the time to get the guys in to do some more of the merchandise photos cuz I know lookin' at my ass in a Purple Show shirt ain't exactly fresh... yeah that's me in there. I'm about a close second to Chad the HachetGear dummy in terms of freshness. Anyways, we got the Afraid Of Me video coming soon, we got new merch and we got some new videos and clips of the serial killin duo to add on to da site too. So get over to da sto' and get entertained while you grab yo merch! Also, if ya thought the Labor Day sale was pretty fresh, prepare to be looking for a replacement wigg as yours no doubt will be flying out the window when you see the next special I got in line for yo ass. You'll see soon...
As far as the Green Book promotional contest, I'm just gonna go by what I have and determine the winners. I'll have names for y'all by this coming Monday so don't forget to check back in if you got your eyes on the prize.
What else? Well, I can't speak too in depth on much but I'll let y'all in on a few little secrets. That Fright Fest that's goin down in Denver, it's bout to be off the hook. We got all types o' flavor that's gonna be given away to the crowd (can't tell you what yet but it should be worth the ticket alone), and we tryin to pry a few Psychopathic artists away from they busy ass schedules to play this Halloween. Also, I hear through the grape vine that my homiez Twiztid are gonna be releasing a video of some sort soon. That ideally would drop this holiday season so all y'allz can add that to yo list of shit to ask Santa's big fat ass for. We'll keep ya posted. Details right now are on a need to know basis and I know you need to know, but what I know is that I don't know enough to let y'all know other than to let ya know that it's in the works right now. Ya know what I'm sayin? Anyways, I'm out like a hooker after a nut. Peace.

ICP @ Howard Stern You all prolly has this mp3 already but if you dont head over 2 our downloads section and download it! Much Props 2 FLH!
Juggalette Rapper! A Juggalette mailed me and said that she has a new EP droppin, its called World War XIII and the ninjette thats dropping it is called Thrillah. I took the time 2 make a little interview with her so we all can get under her skin a little, so get you reading on by pressing right HERE!

Bootlegged in LA on the Billboard "Bootlegged" is right now as im posting this at #5 on the billboard, check it out, Billboard. They have been at #1 there 4 a while but some other faggot videos took the place =/

PSMonline Poll If you still havent voted on go there right now and vote Back Yard Wrestling as the most wanted game! its the second vote 2 the right.
02-09-2003 (Cartoon Nitemarez & Chookie)
The Zug Thugs are doing a show on Sept. 5th in Columbia SC with Powerman 5000, Hoobastank, Three Days Grace, Eve 6, Die Trying, and Rooney. Zug will be the first preforming from 2:00-2:30, so get there early! For more info visit the warq website Here
Logos added to WAP site!
8 logos for mobile phones are added to the HOI wapsite. Point your WAP browser to and you'll be set. Or, if you upload logos using your pc and a datacable, go here, download the .bmp version and upload them manually. If you have questions about the wapsite, mail me. But beware: I cannot help you to confige your phone to use wap.
01-09-2003 (WaY_WeiRd)
Audio Juggalo Interview
Hey everyone, WaY_WeiRd here once again...
I've just completed mixing together a little audio interview type thing... Remember the Detroit July 1st Twiztid in-store? This audio is from that.
I went to the instore and had my old-school Talkboy in tote. =-)
My friend Lil J and I went around the crowd all day and interview random juggalos and juggalettes. We got some pretty funny stuff on tape... And we got Blaze, Madrox, and Monoxide to say a few words at the end! ^_^
Click HERE to enjoy! =-D
(Keep in mind... I did this with a Talkboy... Not the best quality. ^_^() )