January 2003
Someone asked me to post this shit, so here it is 
San Antonio Gathering-Wrestling Show
February 8th 2003
1259 West Thompson
Off Cupples Raod, behind TEXAS MEAT MARKET.
JFWrestling show in the backyard.
B.Y.O.W bring your own weapon.
Show starts at 2:00 p.m COME EARLY if ya want.
Call SKITZO JOE @ 436-5779
[email protected]
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
More Shangri-La Tour dates added!
What up Juggalos?
Insane Clown Posse's Shangri-La Tour kicks off tonight in Fargo, North Dakota, and is STILL growing in size! Yes, more dates have been confirmed and added to the tour, including shows in Jacksonville, Atlanta, Rochester, and many more! Has your town been added?! Take a look here and find out! Your town is not on the list?! Give it time: new dates are still on the way, and chances are if you're town isn't part of the tour yet, it will be soon!
Click here for more...
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Homies Single available in Australia Jan. 27!
The Juggalos of Australia now can grab a copy of Insane Clown Posse 's smash hit Homies the quick-and-easy way: on a snazzy Homies Single! Yes, it is true! This sleek, smooth single features the Street, Radio, and Video versions of Homies, PLUS the devastating track Bloody Bitch (a never before released track) and the in-high-demand Juggalo Chant (featured on the promotional Sixth Sampler). This single makes a nice addition to any ICP collection, but makes an even better gift for someone just getting into magic and wonder of the Dark Carnival.
The Homies Single is available in stores throughout Australia this Monday! Get these hot items while they are still around!
And one more thing, Australian Juggalos: see you in summer 2003 for the Shangri-La Tour!
Some new hotlines are added to the Downloads section.
I've made even another pretty cool wallpaper, you can see it right here!

Also new are the Hotlines in the Downloads section. Big thanks to RealJuggalettes.net for this shit!
www.thepurpleshow.com news:
Issue 3 is online! Click here to get the Windows Media Video version. A realplayer version is coming soon on www.thepurpleshow.com.

Episode 3 (74.6 MB)
realjuggalettes.net news:
Holy shit Juggalos! FINALLY! I FINALLY have it! RIGHT HERE I have the ICP hotline from last night. Yeah, last night but I can NOW get the hotlines up for YOU, the muthafuckin' Juggalos! I went and got me a recorder thingy and you can now download the hotlines here on RJ.net. But, here is the deal: I will put up each hotline every day they are updated but for that day only, from 12 noon (or earlier) until 2am (or a lil' later) you can download that update from that day. Everytime that hotline is updated, I'll change the file (make sense?). Old hotlines won't be available. You have to right click on the link to the application and choose "Save Target As..." and you will be downloading a .EXE file, but it's small and takes a minute to do.
Note from Chookie: I will try to download them whenever I can, and put them in HOI's Download Section, so there WILL be an archive of old hotlines ninjas!!
In other news:
The Peoria Journal Star has written an article about Insane Clown Posse. You can reas it right here!
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Hunting Season at HatchetGear
There is another season that follows the Holiday Season and that is the Hunting Season! We are talking about the release of the Hunting Season album, exclusively from HatchetGear.com, by the winner of the Gathering of the Juggalos 2002 MC Contest: V Sinizter! When will the Hunting Season be available? Right now! So if you got a taste of V Sinizter’s flavor at the Gathering, at the Wraith CD Release Parties in Florida, or at the Big Baller Christmas Party… get the full-course flavor straight from HatchetGear.com!
Weekly Freekly is on deck!
What up Juggalos?
This is a heads-up, a reminder of sorts, to keep your eyes trained on ICP.com over the next couple of days, because at any moment we might be dropping Violent J's Weekly Freekly out for all of you to read and relish!! Besides being one of the few times you get to stay up-to-date with what's going on inside Violent J's head, this particular Weekly Freekly will be the last one to hit the Internet before the gianormous, mega-ton, super-bomb Shangri-La Tour featuring ICP, ABK, and 2 Live Crew gets underway. No one sees things quite the same way as Violent J, which is why you're going to really want to read this next Weekly Freekly, coming your way right here on InsaneClownPosse.com in the next couple of days.
Click here for more...
ICP invades MaxPro Wrestling!
The Wicked Clown so of wrestling and rap mayhem, Insane Clown Posse, are going to be storming the MaxPro Wrestling show this Sunday, January 19th, 2003 at the MaxPro Wrestling Arena! And you KNOW that the Wicked Clowns are always rollin' with a phat crew too! They're bringing their close and personal homies the quintessential king of hardcore The Rude Boy and the homicidal, suicidal, genocidal, runnin' with the mutha-fukkin' hatchet Sabu!! And as if that wasn't enough, you can also catch JCW wrestling mega-stars Briar Wellington and Hollywood Chuck Hogan dishing out the pain and punishment by the fistful! Stop playin'! All this fine entertainment and devastation, AND there are still more matches to boot!! There is NO WAY you want to miss this event!
All the flavor kicks off at 4 PM this Sunday, January 19th, 2003, at the Livonia Mall in Livonia, MI. Hit up http://www.maxprowrestling.com for more details.
Come on people! Over 1400 juggalos and juggalettes visit this site every day, and still nobody has replied to my last two requests: I still need ideas for future polls, and I still need a freeky juggalette that can provide me with a picture (see the news below this one).
Are you all afraid of mailing me? Are all juggalettes that shy? Hasn't anybody got an idea for a poll? I don't believe so! So contact me, and do something for Halls Of Illusions, because I do enough for you guys!
Okay, now for some happy news: I've made a new Wraith and a new Hatchetman wallpaper. Click here and here to see them! They are pretty simple, so without any busy stuff and many different colors, because I like fairly simple and tranquil backgrounds on my desktop. I hope ya'll like it. Please let me know what you think about it!

I also managed to make a good start with the new Jumpsteady section, as so many of you wanted that. Your wish is my command 
www.thepurpleshow.com news:
What up yall? This be SCREWBALL here with some Purple Show Newz. There has been some considerable talk about the 3rd episode of The Purple Show airing on January 15th, 2003 At 8pm E.S.T. right here on thepurpleshow.com! Among the usual cast of Serial Killaz, and dead bodies, look for extra special appearances by the one and only Insane Clown Posse, as well as Esham, JD Tha Weed-Man, and Anybody Killa to be droppin’ on the devastating 3rd episode of The Purple Show! Also, Spyder told me that there is a very interesting and wild newcomer by the name of “JJ-4” who is set to host the entire half hour of madness.
Do you know Tha Poll Page? If not, go check 'em out. It's a very cool website containg Juggalettes and I really would like it when they would post a link to Halls Of Illusions on it. Only problem is they only link to sites when you provide a picture of a Juggalette that has the name of the website written on her titties. Just have a look on Tha Poll Page (choose links) to see how it works.
Okay now my question! What Juggalette is crazy enough to write HallsOfIllusions.com (or somethin like that) on her titties with a black marker (or black facepaint, whatever) and send me a picture? The reward: BIG props on the brand-new 'Props' section, access to a possible members-only section and a @hallsofillusions.com emailaddress if you like. Come on Juggalettes and go wild for HOI!
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Juggalos of Australia: cast your vote!
There is this radio station out in Australia called Triple J that has this swanky contest once a year for the hottest hits of the previous year, cryptically titled Triple J's Hottest 100 - 2002. Well, we heard about this little shin-dig, and noticed that we Homies by Insane Clown Posse was oddly not on the list. Rather than get all hot and pissy about it, we decided to call upon the Juggalos of Australia to cast out their vote third-party style and show that Homies was indeed one of the hottest 100 of 2002! So, hit up http://www.triplej.net.au/hottest100/default.htm, find the "OTHER: Vote for another song not listed above" box and put in Homies by Insane Clown Posse today!!
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Get ready Florida!
This is a quick reminder for all the Juggalos of Florida to get ready, be prepared, and strap your wig in tight, because this Saturday, January 11th, Insane Clown Posse will be in the house!! Yes, the Wicked Clowns are plotting an invasion of the Florida Extravaganza Convention, a mega-sized toy convention located in sunny Orlando, Florida. You can catch a signature from these two underground music legends from 1 PM to 5 PM, and just spend some time kickin\' it up until 6 PM. The Florida Extravaganza Convention is located at 9800 International Drive, Orlando FL 32819-8111. Hit up their website www.fxshow.com for more details.
www.insaneclownposse.com news:
Yukon Braxton
We have some sad news for all the fans of Juggalo Championshit Wrestling. Yukon Braxton, one of the up-an-coming shooting stars of wrestling in the JCW, passed away December 30th last year. Jeff Dingess (Yukon’s real name) was a truly loved member of the JCW Family as well as the Psychopathic Family and his passing has affected us in a great way. Jeff was a formidable wrestler and a good friend to many of the JCW superstars, and especially to all those that had their lives touched by this man’s presence. We want to convey to all our readers, all of the JCW fans, and especially Jeff’s wife Dawn, his two sons, his family and his friends, our sincere regret and sorrow about his untimely passing.
The Juggalo Dictionary is online ninjas! I'm sure more words will be added pretty soon, but it's a start Click here to read that shit. Oh yeah, I've changed the order of the MAIN menu section a bit. I hope that isn't very inconvenient.
125.000 VISITS!!!
According to my logfile analyzer, Halls Of Illusions has passed the 125.000 mark! That is the number of visitors since november 2001, but only since november 2002 this site is really doing great. All thanks to you, so thank you all for that!
As you can see, the Esham section is as good as finished. I only have to find interviews with him and more pictures. Furthermore, I've added more Juggalos and Juggalettes to the site, and a Juggalo Dictionary is coming very soon.
Also a new poll is up, but since I had no good idea for a poll this one is a bit stale. Mail me if you have a good idea for the next poll!
Last but not least, I want to congratulate Juggalo-Family.com for being this weeks Sight Of The Week.
Rare shirt for sale
Erika is selling a rare Madrox shirt on eBay. Click here to view the item. Very fresh if you'd ask me!
HOI site of the moment at FLH
I want to thank FaygoLuvers Heaven for making HOI site of the month!
Esham section
Today I will start with the Esham section. The results of the poll are very clear: over 50% want the wicked Esham shit. After that, the number 2 will have it's own section at Halls Of Illusions: Jumpsteady! I think I will start with his section in a week or so, so have some patience 
Thank you all for voting!
Six Visions
A while ago I've posted about a new and very fresh juggalo website: NINJALOS.COM aka SIXVISIONS. Today Lo Key from that site posted on our forum about some fucked up shit: Shat Upon the Anti-Clown, formerly of REALJUGGAHOS.com took over the site. You can read his explanation on ninjalos.com.
After reading that, I think you'll agree with me that that is some fucked up shit! The new site is not going to have the support of Halls Of Illusions.
Juggalettes Gone Wicked
You remember the OTHER Juggalettes Gone Wicked movie? Not the one by Psychopathic, but the one by and for Juggalos... yeah now you remember! Well their release date was supposed to be somewhere in december last year, but due to problems it is going to be released this month. You can read about it on www.juggalettesgonewicked.mirrorz.com.
Yeah I'm back! And so is twiztid.com! Check it out, it has a cool new layout, and a fresh new free MP3: Tha World Is Hell. You can download it in our Downloads section.
faygoluvers.net has the lyrics to the song, you can read them right here.
Hey juggalos and juggalettes! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Expect the next news-update someday tomorrow. I'm out like BOOM!