Frequently Asked Questions
Halls Of Illusions related
Q Is this the official ICP site?
A No, this is just a Juggalo fan site. A list of all official sites can be found here.
Q You have all the dates wrong!
A Where I live we have a different date format: day-month-year. This may look funny to you, but hey: fuck off if you have a problem with it!
Q Where can I register for this site? I have found the login button, but I can't create an account!
A The login button is only for me and the crew members, and in the future for people with special read access to hidden parts of the site. It isn't be possible to register. But a forum is available at, you can register for that.
Q Can you please send me this or that mp3?
A No. All legal mp3's are provided on this site in the Download Section. I'm not going to send you other stuff. Try Kazaa or something like that.
Q I love making sign pictures like these. Can I make one for you?
A Hell yeah!
Q I have a site myself. Could you please place a link?
A If it's a cool, Psychopathic related site, why not? Send me the url of your site, and I'll have a look at it.
Q Cool site! Can I join you? Do you need help? Can I be one of the webmasters?
A At the moment the current crew can handle all the work. When we need more people, I usually ask them to join HOI, and otherwise you will be notified on HOI that we need new people.
Q Your website sucks. You need help. My help.
A Look at me care, bitch.
Q Can you please help me with my site?
A I do not have the time to help you fulltime (ie becoming a webmaster for your site) or to program stuff for you. I can however have a look at your site and give some comments.
Q I've submitted a picture for the Juggalo section, and you didn't post it because "it didn't show any clown love". Well, ya know what, it's the only pic I have online. How dare you judge me. Just because I'm not wearin face paint or sportin psychopathic gear, that makes me less of a juggalo? You obviously think so cuz you didn't find me worthy enough to be mentioned with the other juggalos. Let me tell you something, bein a juggalo isn't about the way you look, it's about the way you are. If you think bein a juggalo is about the way you look, you're not a juggalo.
A I am sure you are a Juggalo, I have no doubt about that. It's just a little thing going on Halls Of Illusions: only pictures with clown love. Normal pictures can be found on any Juggalo site, this is a way to keep the Juggalo section on Halls Of Illusions special. You are very right, being a Juggalo isn't the way you look, you think I wear facepaint or gear every day? Hell no. But to keep the Juggalo section special, you have to show that extra flavor. Just hold an ICP cd in your hand and make a new picture, it's not that hard...
Q Who is the person on the main page? Where does he/she live? How old is he/she? Blablabla...
A Go to the Mad Luv section, where you can find the name and emailaddress.
Psychopathic related
Q I want to talk to a Psychopathic artist. Can you help me out?
A No. I don't know them. In fact, I have never even seen them. For more info, read this official faq here.
Q How much does a ticket to this and that tour costs? At what time does it start? etc...
A Answers to tour-related questions can be found on the artist official site.
Q ICP sucks. Juggalos suck, you suck.
A Then what are you doing on this site? Go away!
Q How old are you? Where do you live? Do you have a girlfriend?
A I am single. For all other info please have a look at the About this site section.
Q So, you live in The Netherlands... where the fuck is that?
A Didn't you go to school? Ah well, just click this link to see a map of Europe. You prolly have heard of Amsterdam, didn't you? Well it is our capital.
Q Wow Amsterdam is your capital? Do you go there and smoke weed?
A I don't do drugs. Dutch people don't all live in windmills, wear wooden shoes, sell tulips and smoke weed you know 
Q Is it true that weed is legal in The Netherlands?
A Yes. And no, not everybody is smokin it because of that.
Q Cool picture of you! Any change of seeing a picture of you without any facepaint?
A Sure. You can find some at
Q Damn you look fine! Do you have some more... eh... sexy pics??
A If you have some to trade... yes 
Q Do you want to chat with me on ICQ/MSN?
A Why not?? Unless all you have to say is Wazzup and Hey yo... All contact info can be found right here.
Q Why is your nickname 'Flippedieflap' on messenger?
A Because 'Chookie' wasn't a unique name. My juggalo name is 'Chookie' though, so please call me so.
Q I love your site. Can I mail you just saying that?
A Sure! I love getting mail, especially if it is from Juggalos and Juggalettes. All contact info can be found right here.
Q I like both ICP and Eminem. Does this mean I'm not a Juggalo?
A Just because ICP and Eminem had an argument, doensn't mean you can't like his music or are a less Juggalo. If anyone says you are, he should shut up, because that's not what being a Juggalo is about: hatin' Eminem. Have your own opinions, don't be a mindless sheep...
Q I am a hot chick and want to send you pictures of my beautiful naked body. Is that okay with you?
A Please do so! You can mail 'em to [email protected]. They won't be published on the site unless you want so.
Q I am a Juggalo and also want you to see me naked. Can I mail you my pictures?
A No!
Q I want to kill myself. Any suggestions on how to do it?
A First of all, do it outside. It's extra cool when many people can see it. I would recommend jumping down from a large ass building. Oh, and please have someone making pictures and mail them to me!
Q They don't sell faygo in my state, do you know how I can get some
A Ehm no. Maybe you could try the online faygo store..?
Q Can you burn some shit on cd for me and then send it to me?
A Nope. Too expensive, and why would I wanna do that? |