Insane Clown Posse and Faygo

Any true juggalo knows that the only soda that matters is the ghetto pop known as Faygo. ICP grew up drinking Faygo. It's a pop which is also called the poor mans pop, ghetto pop, etc... because it's cheap as hell. At the concerts ICP has these big guns that spray out Faygo. It is almost impossible at a ICP show not to get sprayed. ICP raps about Faygo on "Southwest Voodoo", "Just Like That", "I Want My Shit", "My Kind of Bitch", and on other various songs. Faygo is available all over the U.S.
There has been quite a bit of debate as to exactly when and why ICP started spraying Faygo at concerts. In Mutilation Mix's "The History of ICP... Or is it?", it says "7/2/93 - At a concert in Detriot, Violent J and Shaggy perform a synchronized dance a la Hammer. Realizing how wack they looked the two begin spraying Faygo soda all over each other instead. The crowd loves it and thus begins the "Faygo Frenzy".
In Jelly Nuts "Alone with Violent J" interview J talked about Faygo, "At the time, Run DMC always talked about Adidas and The Beastie Boys would mention White Castle Hamburgers in their songs. So we started mentioning Faygo cause we always had some and it was our own little trademark for our crew. This was the opening line to the song... "We're the JJ Boys on the microphone stand, and we're kickin' it live with a Faygo in our hand"
"The Faygo was always there. We just drink allot of it cause its mad cheap and they got hundreds of crazy ass flavors. My tag name was Faygo Joe cause I always drank that shit."
Faygo flavors:
Black Cherry Orange, Black Raspberry, Peach, Cola, Pineapple, Orange, Creme Soda, Redpop, Cherry Cola, Rock and Rye, Fruit Punch, Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Sensation, Grape, Strawberry, Honeydew Mist, St Nicks Cranberry, Jazzin Blues Berry, St Nicks Cola, Kiwi, Strawberry, St Nicks Ginger Ale, Moonmist, Twist, Morning Mist
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