Webmaster guy i think you should put a chatroom on this site cause that would make it much better. but whatever. |
Okay...whatever you guys say. are there any jugglos in connecticut? i have no juggalo friends around here :(......juggalo shank did CC write you an email? |
wut up y'all, ashley lesbians are coll cuz this, it's hot with girls, i mean, fuck men, to take away the boy, no more dick, its better, the bottom line is this, the more pussys the better |
i cant think of anything to say so ill just plug my site.
www.angelfire.com/tx3/specialsite |
Yeah lesbians realy are the SHIT!! its just cool... |
lesbians are the shit.i mean they'll sit there and get it on right in front of u.shit, sometimes u can get in on the action if your lucky.PEACE |
i have a question to all the boy juggalos...why do you guys like lesbians? its disgusting! |
juggalo shank or whatever your name was CC is talking about a bunch of weird crap...whoever it was they wrote me an email but it didnt make any sense. all's i know is that CC knew Paul 8 or 9 years ago and back then he was a much better person than he is today...i dont really believe CC but she better write me another letter. and i am not a lesbian so you dont have to worry about it...i am very far from a lesbian EW! mcl.... |
what up juggalos, i think this site is the shit.i just discovered it a few days ago but its still the fuckin shit |
wut up juggalos n lettes. ashley, i werent callin u a lesbo, though if u were, im sure a lot of us juggalos would luv 2 meet u, mcl ashley, i ait ever dissin a juggalette, fuck eminem, but if u like him, dont spread his name on juggalo sites. well, im a little unclear on this, paul methric, that the monoxide child, wut do u mean life 9 years ago, cc, can y'all e mail me and tell me somethimg, or ashley, u seem 2 know.
mmfcl juggalos and lettes |
great site wish i'd found it ages ago. keep up the good work |
Listen 2 the last verse in the "my shine" song... |
Guys, this is a guestbook, not a discussion forum. We have a special forum for this kinda shit.
JJ, I would love to organise a Gathering, but since I live in The Netherlands, I don't think many people would show up  |
keep up the good work and thanks for adding my site as site of the week i also got a email asking about affiliation so i added ya mjl |
I dont know about all of that...I mean. I do beleive that they believe in god and the point to the story is they always have and always will and they hope juggalos and juggalettes will do the same. As for me, if thats what they beleive in, more power to them. I just strongly believe that if there is a god..the only was i'll beleive in him is if he comes down here and shakes my hand. Im just the kind of person that only beleives in something if I can see it. You cant just tell me soemthing exsists and I'll believe it. but thats how I feel. And Id also like to add that as far as the Wraith. That sh*t kicks ass and I think its the best ICP has ever come out with! |
Damn. I would NEVER have said anything like I have said because of anything the did before the wraith. It is the last sone on that album that did it for me.
K. I probably should not give this away, but Its not like I really care now.
On that album they reveal that they have been a christian group all along, not that they just believe in god, that they are, and always have been, activly preaching the bible through the songs. Trying to get people to become born again. The the whole point of ICP was to get people to follow christ. The Great Milenko is jesus, the dark carnival is the kingdom of Heaven, what is a Juggalo? Well, It turns out that a Juggalo is a born again Christian. Ther is LOADS of other stuff like that. That is the unveiling they have been talking about. The last some 'the unveiling' says it all.
They actually say this stuff on the album! I am not making this up!
They admit that they have been tricking us too. The line 'We're not sorry if we tricked you' is a chant on the last song. Download it now and see!
There is an Interview with Violent J Thats calld "Alone with violent J" in that interview he talks about kepping it real...i cant find that interview right now but search andy you will find it, and you will c what violent J (along with me) think that "keeping it real" stands 4 |
okey...freedom, you though they stood 4 freedom?? where did you get that from??what do you mean when you say freedom anyway? i dont think you get the Dark Carnival...but if you have been down with the clownz for 7 years you should get it...2 be onest(or however you spell that word) i havent heard "The Wraith" yet. So i cant realy fight with you about this...and if something i say dosent make any sense its becaose i have had some beers...however i will get "The Wraith" on monday...it sounds like you got angry when you heard "The Wraith"...i have heard a few tracks from "the Wraith" and i dont c any wrong in them...i dont realy understand what you mean about hiding there religion?!...do you mean that they belive in heaven and hell?? or that they belive in a higher power?? because i belive in that shit 2...........i want that ticket............ |
i wrote like a whole fucking page about "keeping it real". but then i read it and it didnt make any sense =) iam so fucking drunk right now that i do not realy know what the fuck iam talking about...as iam typing this i forgot what you wrote so iam just gonna end this right here so that i can go back and check out what you wrote...=) |