Welcome to thy...
Ticket please... Thanks, walk through the doors, into the Halls Of Illusions, visit yours. And see what could have, and should have, and would have been real, but you had to fuck up the whole deal. Lets take a walk down the hallway, its a long way, it takes all day...
...well, at least you made it to HallsOfIllusions.com! Pull your eyelids up over your head, cause you're about to witness an illusionary dream. Enjoy your stay in the Halls Of Illusions!
If you want your picture on this spot, write "Halls Of Illusions" somewhere on your body (clearly visible) and send it to [email protected].
Read the latest Juggalo news on the road: Point your WAP browser to http://wap.hallsofillusions.com and you'll be set.
06-10-2003 (JuggMister & WaY_WeiRd)

Backyard Wrestling
For those who might have forgotten, Backyard Wrestling, the very first video game featuring none other than Insane Clown Posse and their Juggalo Championshit Wrestling homies, will debut on the world tomorrow, October 7th, 2003 on XBox and Playstation 2! Pre-sales for this game have already broken records and split-wigs across the globe, and to celebrate, Psychopathic Records and Eidos Interactive are hosting the Official Backyard Wrestling Release Party! Yes, it is true. This Wednesday, October 8th is your chance to live it up with the creators of the game and celebrate all the excitement of this high-anticipated release! Amongst the festivities will be an auction of HatchetGear items and video game paraphenalia to raise funds for the local Salvation Army, along with the first official Backyard Wrestling Video Game Tournament, all hosted by the Quintessential King of Hardcore: The Rude Boy! It promises to be one hell of an evening, so don't miss it!
Here's the details:
BYW Release Party
Wednesday, October 8th, 2003
From 8 PM until whenever
@ Camelot Music
7575 West Edgerton
Greenfield (outside Wilwaukee), WI
Phone: 414.423.8380
Cover Charge: NONE (it's free!)

New Thrillah Song!
The new Thrillah song is up! You can download it right here:
Thrillah - Looks Like
(right click, save target as)
It deff worth downloading!
05-10-2003 (JuggMister & WaY_WeiRd)

TwiztidShop.CoM and HatchetGear.CoM
New stuff at TwiztidShop.CoM and HatchetGear.CoM!
Hey y'all, it's WaY_WeiRd here again...
I wanna let everyone know that TwiztidShop.CoM and HatchetGear.CoM both have some new stuff up.
TwiztidShop.CoM has some new girly stuff, some t-shirts, and some hoodies.
HatchetGear.CoM has a bunch of new stuff.
They have hoodies, t-shirts, hats, warm-up suits, and jerseys.
Go check it all out!
I promised Mike from the concert last night that I'd give a lil' shout out to him on here since he was nice as hell to me and all. ^_^
So... Hey Mike!
And also, thank-you so much whoever you are that held me up on your shoulders so I could see Twiztid!
02-10-2003 (WaY_WeiRd)

What up yall? It's been For-fuckin-ever since I've been up on the news page here at Twiztid.com! What's it been like 2 months? Well it doesn't even matter. Those who know me from FLH know that I'm still alive and kickin'! And those who don't, I'm baaaack! I've got some HUGE, exclusive pieces of knowledge to drop, so with that said, let's get on with it!
There seems to be a lot of speculation floating around the net about who's going to be playing at Twiztid's FRIGHT FEST in Denver, Colorado on Halloween Night! Well, I'm here to put all of those rumors to rest. First off, former House of Krazees member and current Twiztid touring partner, the R O C, will be throwin down a set! And just for you lucky Juggalos in Denver, the HOUSE OF KRAZEES will once again Unite!! All 3 members, ROC, Mr. Bones (Madrox), and Hektic (Monoxide) will perform together on stage for some old school Wicked Shit! I don't know how you can't flip your wig over that! But as if that wasn't enough, someone else is coming back as well! Who? Well for one night only, BLAZE YA DEAD HOMIE will be resurrected to school Denver Juggalos like never before! And before Twiztid takes the stage, the Hatchet Warrior himself, Anybody Killa, will get all kinds of Live for you ninjas!
Alright greedy ass...if you ARE attending the Denver Fright Fest show on October 31st, you will be the recipients of some rare and exclusive merchandise! What is it? Well, one is a FREE HALLOWEEN CD! So next, I know you want to know what's on it. I really can't say what it is, because honestly, I haven't heard it! BUT, I can tell you that everything that's on there is ALL NEW, and never heard before, because it was recorded while on the road for the Green Book Tour! The tracks are being mixed as you read this, so it's 100% legit! So now that you're getting this, you're already asking "What else?" Well you, my friend, should seriously be bitch slapped. But I have been assured by our homie KODEZ that there will be more exclusive Halloween goodies handed out to those in attendance of that show! So if you DO happen to have a ticket, consider yourself lucky! If you don't, Click Here to purchase the still-available tickets!
I've received a lot of emails concerning some of the cancelled dates on the Twiztid tour, such as the Houston and Indiana tour stops, from Juggalos asking WHY their city was cancelled. I don't know for sure, but KODEZ should be up on here within the next day or two to let you know what all went down, along with some info about TwiztidShop.com! So keep checkin back here for all of that info soon!
Don't tell me you've already forgotten about the SWK! Naw, I know you haven't, but I know a LOT of people are wondering what the status is of their first full-length album. Well, the truth is, the Original Halloween '03 deadline for the release date is definitely NOT going to happen. That doesn't mean that the album hasn't been worked on! So far, instrumentals are all made up, and some of the lyrics have been written, but Time has been a major factor with touring and everything else going on. So we'll keep you up to date on anything happening with the Samhein Witch Killaz!
That's all that I've got for you at the moment! Hopefully our homie KODEZ will be back here tomorrow for even more news from Twiztid as well as TwiztidShop.com! I've gotta bounce for now, but hopefully it won't be for as long this time! Until then though, I'm out yall. Peace!
01-10-2003(Cartoon Nitemarez)

Aight we missed a couple things here... outta laziness.. cuz people seem to be too fuken lazy do it. lol.. ya i mean me too, i've been a lazy bitch lately. i wont lie.
All New Merch
I don't know where you're at but up here in Detroit it's getting cold fast! With Fall in effect and Winter just around the corner you'd be expecting some fresh ass new threads to be coming at you from Hatchet Gear... and you wouldn't be disappointed! Yes, with the change of seasons Hatchet Gear is busting forth with some hot new items that will definately heat up your winter wardrobe. Getting tired of your old threads? Well, nearly twenty new items will be available for purchase: Jerseys, Hoodies, Warm-Up Suits, Varsity Jackets... some of the most stellar items from Hatchet Gear to date! So Juggalo, if you can't feel your fingers and toes due to the cold then swing on down to HatchetGear.com tomorrow and check out all the new merchandise... it's just a chop away!
(and... for you European Juggalos *the only reason i hate being Canadian*)
Word about the UK
If your a european Juggalo or Juggalette then you are already looking forward to the european leg of the Shangri-La Tour. Well, here's a bit of a heads up for all of you ninjas hangin' in the UK. The Scotland show is up and on sale; that's right, the Highlands is going to feel the Hatchet, this is the first time ICP has ever been there live in concert! Definately make sure you get your tickets soon because this will clearly be a quick seller. Now, as to all of you in the England proper: absolutely positively make sure you get your tickets now! If your planning on seeing this leg of the Tour in Manchester, Brimingham or London then we must inform you that these tickets are nearly sold out. We've pulled out all the Psychopathic tactics to make it possible for as many of you to make the show as possible... including changing up to bigger venues. We can not change the script any more so when they do sell out, that's it! And don't just wave this off and expect to pick up a ticket or two at the door because there will be none waiting there for you. Order your tickets now, all of you UK Juggalos, so that you don't miss out on this most devastating event of the year!