Submit your picture!
Mail your info and a picture WHERE YOU SHOW CLOWN LOVE (facepaint, holding an ICP cd, wearing Psy clothing, showing your clown tattoo, caught in the act of killing some prep-ass mothafacko, whatever) to get listed! No digital manips! Normal picture without you showing clown love = no entry. It can take up to a week till you are on the site. Don't expect yourself shining on Page 1,..if there are many Ninjas dropping their profiles you can be on one of the first few pages...so check it out..
Info: Nick, real name, birthdate, location, fav CD, fav song, your website, email, AIM/ICQ/MSN, Weapon Of Choice and your quote.
Nick: Faygolicious
Real name: Leeza
Birthdate: 07 03 1987
Location: Denver, Colorado
Fav CD: Great Milenko and The Wraith
Fav song: Halls of Illusions, Southwest Voodoo, Cotton Candy And Popsicles and Aint Ya Bidness
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: Hatchet, broken glass, chain saw
Quote: Me and my homiez stay tight like a noose and if u step to one of us u betta step to the hole crew!
Nick: Mizz Shiver
Real name: Angela
Birthdate: 11 10 1985
Location: Newburgh, NY
Fav CD: Hmm... Riddlebox... its hard to pick a favorite
Fav song: Nosferatu, What is a juggalo?, Hood Ratz
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: XElektroKittenX, ABKJuggaletteX or XMizzShiverX
Nick: MarIaLette
Real name: Maria
Birthdate: 27 11 1987
Location: Edison, NJ
Fav CD: Mostasteless
Fav song: thug4life
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: 3 ft. axe
Quote: "And they wanted to know if I would trade 10 juggalos for a 100 main stream fans And I said I wouldn't trade 10 juggalos for a 100,000 mainstream fans 10 juggalos is priceless"
Nick: ThE EvIl GoDdEsS
Real name: Dani
Birthdate: 10 05 1986
Location: Needles, California
Fav CD: Shit, I dont know, they're all the shit
Fav song: Homies, Headless Boogie, Mad Professor, too many to pick one
Website: here and here
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: Yahoo: xtheeveilgoddessx
Weapon Of Choice: Teeth Nails or Shards of Broken Mirrors
Quote: Life is HomoErotic, so that gives me half a life
Nick: Katz
Real name: Diana Simmons
Birthdate: 17 06 1987
Location: Newark, DE
Fav CD: Mostastless
Fav song: 2nd Hand Smoke
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: iiTwiztidChickii
Weapon Of Choice: My Stanley Axe
Quote: Bitch show a juggalette respect, you dont wanna tussle with a down ninjette
Nick: DeviLeTTe666
Real name: Cathie
Birthdate: 17 02 1982
Location: Buffalo, NY
Fav CD: Tales From the Lotus Pod
Fav song: She ain't afraid, Fuck the World
Website: http://anti-crush8.diaryland.com
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: DeviLiSh8888
Weapon Of Choice: A Butcha Knife MuthaFacko!!
Quote: "She ain't afraid to admit she likes dick, and she ain't afraid to admit she likes her pussy licked, she ain't afraid to let me fuck her in the ass, and always got her mouth open for the cum splash"
Nick: Twizty
Real name: Teresa
Birthdate: 23 05 1988
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Fav CD: All of them but probably Riddlebox
Fav song: Every last one of them but i love Let a Killa Fuck You
Website: click here
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: cemetarygurl666
Weapon Of Choice: Bloody Hatchet
Quote: Don't fuck with the wicked clowns Bitch!!!
Nick: Ringmaster420
Real name: Mercede
Birthdate: 09 09 1988
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Fav CD: The Great Milenko
Fav song: Lil sumtin sumtin
Website: www.geocities.com/ringmaster420ilj
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: Ringmaster420ilj
Weapon Of Choice: Machete
Quote: psh I don’t know
Nick: Mystical
Real name: Krystal
Birthdate: 22 02 1987
Location: Tustoned, AZ
Fav CD: Ringmaster
Fav song: Can't say I have just one
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: KottenKandiee
Weapon Of Choice: Muh axe
Nick: Driggity
Real name: Andrea Martin
Birthdate: 21 01 1981
Location: Hellaware and occasionally Marion Ohio
Fav CD: Psychopathics From Outer Space, Carnival Of Carnage, Mostasteless and every album made by icp and twiztid of course
Fav song: She aint afraid, night of the axe, The juggla, Bitchy ho, first day out, 85 bucks an hour, all of them really, this is just a list of my favs
Website: http://hometown.aol.com/juggadre
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: Juggadre
Weapon Of Choice: A old rusty Skillet
Quote: Eat a big fat bowl of crusty dicks bitch!!!!