Submit your picture!
Mail your info and a picture WHERE YOU SHOW CLOWN LOVE (facepaint, holding an ICP cd, wearing Psy clothing, showing your clown tattoo, caught in the act of killing some prep-ass mothafacko, whatever) to get listed! No digital manips! Normal picture without you showing clown love = no entry. It can take up to a week till you are on the site. Don't expect yourself shining on Page 1,..if there are many Ninjas dropping their profiles you can be on one of the first few check it out..
Info: Nick, real name, birthdate, location, fav CD, fav song, your website, email, AIM/ICQ/MSN, Weapon Of Choice and your quote.
Nick: Bethie Bunnie
Real name: Bethany
Birthdate: 06 01 1985
Location: MA
Fav CD: The Wraith
Fav song: Murder's Rap
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: Evilscarecrogirl
Weapon Of Choice: HATCHET WHAT WHAT!
Quote: "I feel actions, speak loud like words, and verbs and adjectives that give the scrubs a chance to live Not who's first second or third it ain't he said she said FUCK WHAT EVER YOU HEARD"
Nick: Burnout
Real name: Ashley
Birthdate: 11 07 1984
Location: Newcomerstown, Ohio
Fav CD: Carnival of Carnage
Fav song: Don't make me choose
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: insanelette187 YIM: juggaloluvinjugglette17
Weapon Of Choice: Hatchet foreva
Quote: Cotton candy don't get wet till its in your mouth
Nick: $yko
Real name: Ashley Banks *not the fresh prince of bel air bitch*
Birthdate: 30 10 1986
Location: Madison NC
Fav CD: Shiiit..Freekshow, the Wraith, bizaar, bizzar..cannot pick
Fav song: Your the reason/Ain't yo bidness/We Don't Die
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: severedsyko, severedninjette
Weapon Of Choice: I'm eitha runnin wita hatchet or draggin a BIG MUTHA FUCKIN AXE!
Nick: Sugargirlie
Real name: Jessi
Birthdate: 27 10 1977
Location: Oklahoma in a town of less than 1200
Fav CD: Dark Lotus
Fav song: I'm Alright, Old School Pervert, Pumpkin Carvers
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: XquiziteKorpse YIM: Mistress_of_Midian666
Weapon Of Choice: Kitchen Knife...boyfriends BEWARE!
Quote: "I'm tired of asking nice. I'm about to be blunt. How would you like my DICK in your CUNT?"
Nick: Peaches
Real name: Amber
Birthdate: 28 03 1987
Location: Indinapolis, IN
Fav CD: both Bizzars, and The wraith
Fav song: Behind the paint, Homies, Red neck hoe, & The pendulums promise
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: YAHOO: heavy_metal_chick_lover
Weapon Of Choice: 4x4 & champagne bottle opener---YOUCH! ]=D
Quote: If you aint down with a clown all yallz can go eat a muthafuckin dick, bitch
Nick: Krazy Kay
Real name: Karlie J
Birthdate: 14 06 1986
Location: Pensacola Fl
Fav CD: Riddle Box and Great Milenko
Fav song: Pass me by, lil somethin' somethin, and what is a juggalo
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: Hatchett, innocence, and slegde hammer
Nick: Ogre
Real name: Tiffany Adams
Birthdate: 07 10 1987
Location: Detroit MI
Fav CD: Riddle Box and The Wraith
Fav song: Toy Box - Birthday Bitches - Bitch I'm Sexy
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: MSN: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: Hatchett - Box cutter - Pencil
Quote: Ninja Im the sexiest lette you know!
Nick: "That one girl who like those Clowns"
Real name: Melani
Birthdate: 26 04 1988
Location: Roseville, MI
Fav CD: Great Milenko, Jeckel Brothers, or The Wraith...SHIT...IT'S ALL GOOD!
Fav song: Halls Of Illusions
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: I always swing my hatchet!
Quote: Magic magic ninjas what!!
Nick: KrYpTiXJuGGaLeTTe
Real name: Lorraine Donaldson
Birthdate: 11 04 1986
Location: Renfrew, PA
Fav CD: The Wraith, FreekShow
Fav song: Crossing the Bridge
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: Hatchet
Quote: Don't be bitchin' your part of the juggalo family, we love you no matter what MUCH CLOWN LOVE!!!
Nick: TasteLessClown or BlazeYaDeadJuggaHoe
Real name: Daryl Janetski
Birthdate: 15 06 1987
Location: Great Mudda Fucken Falls...Montana....*Cry*
Fav CD: Riddle Box
Fav song: Cematary Girl
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: Yahoo: TasteLessClown MSN: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: My Mudda Fucken Bottle Of Faygo...I'll bust ya'll upsidez ya mudda fucken Head Mutha Facko
Quote: Mass Murdarah...StragahLah....Wig Splittah Mangalah...Blood Sucken Vampire Dark Louts King of Fire!!!!!!!!