Submit your picture!
Mail your info and a picture WHERE YOU SHOW CLOWN LOVE (facepaint, holding an ICP cd, wearing Psy clothing, showing your clown tattoo, caught in the act of killing some prep-ass mothafacko, whatever) to get listed! No digital manips! Normal picture without you showing clown love = no entry. It can take up to a week till you are on the site. Don't expect yourself shining on Page 1,..if there are many Ninjas dropping their profiles you can be on one of the first few pages...so check it out..
Info: Nick, real name, birthdate, location, fav CD, fav song, your website, email, AIM/ICQ/MSN, Weapon Of Choice and your quote.
Nick: $lurp!3( slurpie) or Juggz
Real name: Jessie
Birthdate: 21 11 1986
Location: St.Johnsbury,VT ~sux ass
Fav CD: riddle box,the wraith,great milenko
Fav song: twelve,we dont die,tilt-a-wirl
Email: click here
Weapon Of Choice: faygo
Quote: twiztid is da shit and im down wit da clown, dark lotu for life until im dead in tha ground!!
Nick: Syns Girl
Real name: Robin
Birthdate: 28 09 19??
Location: Granite City,IL
Fav CD: Cracked Tiles
Fav song: Hiroshima
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: hatchet
Quote: I love Syn!!!!
Nick: Meggy 2 Dope, the Magik Ninja
Real name: Megan Deshaies
Birthdate: 20 12 1988
Location: Raynham, MA
Fav CD: The Wraith, Riddlebox, Hatchet Warrior, Cracked Tiles
Fav song: Crossin thy bridge, Cemetery Girl, Prison Song, Hated Me, Bagz, Darkness, Chicken Huntin', The Juggala
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: synful x meg, o0 mutant X 0o
Weapon Of Choice: Spork, hatchet, or my bare fuckin' hands
Quote: "All my life, I've been a scrub, wouldn't change a day."
Nick: Baby Juggalette
Real name: Carolann Kitzmiller
Birthdate: 15 10 1987
Location: Harriman, TN
Fav CD: Great Milenko
Fav song: We don't die Juggalo version
Website: click here
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: Sweetkisses9944 (aim), [email protected] (msn)
Weapon Of Choice: A motha fuckin rusty axe
Quote: Im inmortal i never shall die
Nick: Lil' T
Real name: Alise
Birthdate: 26 10 1987
Location: Maryland
Fav CD: ALL mutha Facko
Fav song: uhh..I have no clue..WAY to many to name!
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: JuggaletteICPluv or Twiztid Lette872
Weapon Of Choice: The Mutha Fucken Hatchet Bitch
Quote: Bitch show a juggalette respect cause u dont wanna tussle with a downninjette/ Chubby Luv, Show a ninja some
Nick: Hyl,Hyli
Real name: Hylari
Birthdate: 16 04 89
Location: portland maine
Fav CD: The Great Milenko,bizzare n bizarre
Fav song: i have a ton but i guess i'll stick with my first cuz it ruled in concert Mr. Happy
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM:xxGRTcornholioxx
Weapon Of Choice: double headed axe
Quote: "i love people i love everything about them and thats why gotta live life without them i know it dont make any sence to you but fuck you this song's about me exclusivley"
Nick: Lil' A
Real name: April
Birthdate: 10 04 1997
Location: MD
Fav CD: Riddle Box, Tales From The Lotus Pod
Fav song: Chicken Huntin, Juggalo Family
Email: i'm 6 yrs old mutha fucka i ain't got an e-mail
Weapon Of Choice: a knife or axe
Quote: Down for life BBIIIIIAAAATTTCCCCCHH!!!!!!
Nick: Hatchet Bytch
Real name: Shine
Birthdate: 08 01 1974
Location: albany,NY
Fav CD: RiddleBox..Freek Show..Hatchet Warrior
Fav song: Wrong With Me..Different..Toy box..Hated Me
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: JuggieShine YAHOO: faygo_raindancer MSN:JuggaletteShine
Weapon Of Choice: My Mind
Quote: The Carnival Is Coming, You Can See It In Mah Eyes..Screamin' At The Top Of Mah Lungs, "I WANNA DIE!"
Nick: Wicket Juggalette
Real name: Dani
Birthdate: 24 10 88
Location: Seattle, WA
Fav CD: The Great Milenko
Fav song: Piggy Pie
Website: click here
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM-MorbidGothGurl [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: The hatchet of course!
Quote: I'm down with tha clown till im dead in tha ground.
Nick: Baby Juggalette
Real name: Mindy
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Fav CD: All
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: MSN: [email protected] YAHOO: thajuggalette420
Weapon Of Choice: Plastic knife
Quote: "Wassup my ninjalos and my ninjalettes"