Submit your picture!
Mail your info and a picture WHERE YOU SHOW CLOWN LOVE (facepaint, holding an ICP cd, wearing Psy clothing, showing your clown tattoo, caught in the act of killing some prep-ass mothafacko, whatever) to get listed! No digital manips! Normal picture without you showing clown love = no entry. It can take up to a week till you are on the site. Don't expect yourself shining on Page 1,..if there are many Ninjas dropping their profiles you can be on one of the first few check it out..
Info: Nick, real name, birthdate, location, fav CD, fav song, your website, email, AIM/ICQ/MSN, Weapon Of Choice and your quote.
Nick: Jizzwad
Real name: Terrel
Birthdate: 13 04 1972
Location: Lafayette , La.
Fav CD: Green Book
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: My Double blade razor whip chop-jimmy !
Quote: Put me on public display and showcase so there's an equal opportunity for everyone to HATE ME !!! "
Nick: monkey man
Real name: tyler
Birthdate: 01 01 1999
Fav CD: Blaze one less g in da hood
Fav song: blaze u nasty
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: meat tenderizer
Quote: fuck u bitch
Nick: lunchbox
Real name: steve
Birthdate: 23 04 1989
Location: levittown, new york
Fav CD: great milenko, green book
Fav song: fat kidz, nikkateen n otha shit
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: aim juggalosteve89
Weapon Of Choice: a motha fuckin axe
Quote: fat kidz motha fuckin representin!!!! |
Nick: Sadistic Juggalo
Real name: Winston "mike" Calloway
Birthdate: 10 10 1985
Location: Blackstone, MA
Fav CD: the great milenko
Fav song: u cant just choose 1 mutha fackos
Website: click here
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: disturbed598, yahoo: ma_mike_2001
Weapon Of Choice: my syth, hatchet, and ice pic
Nick: Pimpy°K
Real name: Kenny
Birthdate: 19 04 1981
Location: Pensacola, FL
Fav CD: RingMaster
Fav song: Terrible
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: My imagination
Quote: "Everybody knows as sure as the wind blows that a juggalo goes WOOP WOOP!!!"
Nick: "J"
Real name: Jeremy Conklin
Location: Cali
Fav CD: Wraith of Shangri-la
Fav song: Crossing The Bridge
Website: click here
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: My AXE BITCH
Quote: we'll never never die alone! Juggaloz will carry on! swing are hatchets if we must! each and every 1 of us!
Nick: Shorty
Real name: Eric Lykens
Birthdate: 24 09 1987
Location: Indianapolis IN
Fav CD: Freak Show, Bizzar and Tales form the Lotus Pod
Fav song: Rainbows and Stuff
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: aim:Snootchie88
Weapon Of Choice: Dull Machete
Quote: Shorty was here and now hes not he went somewhere to smoke some pot he left us here to prove a point life aint shit without a joint
Nick: Big Worm
Real name: Willi
Birthdate: 27 02 1986
Location: Tennessee
Fav CD: Milenko, Riddle Box
Fav song: Yeah...Right
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: Sledgehammer
Quote: I Hate Everyone and I Hate Everything, Except For All The Juggalos And All The Love That They Bring...MMFCL
Nick: BoOts
Real name: Ian
Birthdate: 21 02 1989
Location: Mt. Morris,Michigan
Fav song: Fuck The World
Website: click here
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: TwiztedMilenko8 Yahoo:TwiztedMilenko8 MSN:TwiztedMilenko
Weapon Of Choice: Hatchet
Quote: "I run with the dark carnival untill the day i'm 6 feet under"
Nick: skitZo
Real name: dougy
Birthdate: 11 01 1989
Location: long island,NY
Fav CD: the green book
Fav song: white trash
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: aim: juggaloryda26
Weapon Of Choice: a frozen pancake